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ok, awesome, i love being outcast because of my car.


ColumbusDSM... youll fit right in. Theres a few fast ones on here, but i dont think the cruise this board very much.


nick that was some middle school shit


First off, i dont even go there so i dont give a shit who goes.


Second, since youre about 12yrs old, and you seem to think your opinon matters to me, ill go out of my way to explain to you about the people at Jegs...


They are the oldest of old school. They HATE anyhting and everything that sounds like a swarm of pissed off bees. If its not a V8, they dispise it. Ive heard some pretty ugly first hand stories about how theyve treated some of the local guys that are into 4cyl, and its pretty rediculous. For your own sake, dont waste your time or your gas unless your running a 383 at the very least. i myself had a bad expierence there, and will never go back, just because the people were assholes about me asking questions about there cars.

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DSMs not welcome. And if dont know, you shouldnt go because those old farts will rip you to shreds.

a very good explanation.


thanks for that, if that's the case i think you could have handled it better rather than how you responded.


Yes i know, columbusdsm and i'm on there. the boards aren't nearly as active as CR and yeah, my car is slow, but i still enjoy talking about cars, racing and all that. I went up to akron and met sam n shanton, who i didn't know and they were welcoming, i don't know why you had the attitude. I would hope that shows dedication to this car club or a racing club or whatever you want to call this board. Which i would in turn be lead to believe that i could get away from the "no dsms dood" style post where you, not knowing me, come off like an asshole cause you can, instead of giving me sound advice like your most recent post.

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thanks for that, if that's the case i think you could have handled it better rather than how you responded.


Yes i know, columbusdsm and i'm on there. the boards aren't nearly as active as CR and yeah, my car is slow, but i still enjoy talking about cars, racing and all that. I went up to akron and met sam n shanton, who i didn't know and they were welcoming, i don't know why you had the attitude. I would hope that shows dedication to this car club or a racing club or whatever you want to call this board. Which i would in turn be lead to believe that i could get away from the "no dsms dood" style post where you, not knowing me, come off like an asshole cause you can, instead of giving me sound advice like your most recent post.


i thought i was very direct and concise with that post... it means, they dont like dsms, and if you dont know which one, just dont go because theyll make you wish you hadnt anyway. Sorry if i hurt your feelings :rolleyes:


Trust me, im a car guy, ive been into a little of everything. i dont mind DSMs, i only mind people who race their cars around like morons. Sam and Shannton are both very nice guys, and they arent the only ones either. Some of the nicest people ive ever met are on this board, and some of the most retarded are too.

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