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queers who have nothing better to do.


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are you with the company? or the franchises? he owns almost all of the franchise stores in ohio.


Ive been with the company for the last 7 years. Our direct stores are all owned and run by Verizon Wireless. If he owns indirect stores they do not carry the Verizon Wireless brand, they just sell our service. We dont have franchises...

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I'm neutral on this matter but I will give my 2 cents anyway.


The main point of communication is to be understand. If you can understand what the person is trying to say a few mispelled words will not hurt.


On the other hand there have been a few people on here that type as if they have a 1st grade education. That annoys the mess out of me!!!!

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Guest hotrodmama024

lol... ahhh Phil.... this is somthing you are not going to win. Yes, we should all know proper grammer. Do i think that as a car forum we should make people aware that they cant type for shit? who fucking cares? If you cant read it, then obviously it isnt worth reading.


Happy Monday morning to everyone!!! :)

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Since when did you need a college degree to join a racing forum? Jesus Christ. To call someone out on there grammar is like calling a special child out of his bowling form. Each day this site gets less helpful...


You don't need a college degree to join this forum. I guess I will spell it out for everyone that doesn't understand.


IT IS COMMON FUCKING COURTESY TO USE CORRECT GRAMMAR. Did you not learn this in elementary school? If you got less then an A in English class in school you are 1 of 3 things. Either you are lazy, an idiot, or English is not your first language.


People read almost all the shit you type. That is the point of a message board. DUH !!! It becomes a headache when we have to guess what you are trying to say.

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Shawn Cunix ring a bell?


Shawn is pretty fucking smart. I would bet dollars to donuts that Shawn can form a sentence properly.


There is a big difference between knowing someone and accomplishing something yourself. It's very difficult to talk shit to someone when you're telling everyone what you will accomplish when you grow up. I guess when you're king of the universe, then we'll all be sorry.


Also, Shawn owns Wireless Communications, not Verizon.

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I didn't even go to school and people don't point out my mistakes often. I know I'm incorrect a lot, but I listen to Mozilla when it underlines things in red and fix them.


I do also agree though that people that correct simple mistakes are totally annoying and should stfu.


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Ive been with the company for the last 7 years. Our direct stores are all owned and run by Verizon Wireless. If he owns indirect stores they do not carry the Verizon Wireless brand, they just sell our service. We dont have franchises...


The In-Direct agent that I work for pays more then Coporate but shhh you didn't hear that from me!! ;)


Thank god I don't work for Flexicom!!!!

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