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Thanks for the responses gents,


What does your shift rotation look like? Regarding the requirements; besides a civil service test - are those that have been listed more vocational or college courses?


I've been training for FBI/CIA physical requirements with moderate success, so I'm not to worried on the physical aspects. I'm curious on the pre-reqs, I can't seem to find any information on said things or the recruit training.



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My mom has been both Squad and Fire Chief over the years, and I have a good friend who is a firefighter in Licking County, currently serving on an Army firefighting unit (whatever that is called).


What are your specific questions; I can pass them along.


Hi Vince,


Mainly what is the best path to take to become one? Options regarding volunteer/wildlife paths? Any words of wisdom?



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I am on 24 hours, off 48 hours. I have 5 vacation days each year as well as 9 what we call "H-days." With this schedule, you can take one day off and it actually gives you 5 consecutive days off.


The best thing you can do is stop at a fire house where you might like to work and ask the firefighters working there what they did to get where they are and what they would do differently. They can tell you all the ins and outs of the easiest way to do it.

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I am on 24 hours, off 48 hours. I have 5 vacation days each year as well as 9 what we call "H-days." With this schedule, you can take one day off and it actually gives you 5 consecutive days off.


The best thing you can do is stop at a fire house where you might like to work and ask the firefighters working there what they did to get where they are and what they would do differently. They can tell you all the ins and outs of the easiest way to do it.


Thanks Rob. I assume you work two 24s back to back? I'm a bit confused: 13 days in off time, for a 52 week year? Can you expand on that?


Thanks again

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obligatory idiot response:





I knew this thread would have atleast one homosexual reference. I don't think you could see the six pack through my fur coat (that is, if it ever develops)


I just think it would be someting more constructive then putting someone in the sights and pulling the trigger.

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My brother is a firefighter up near Bowling Green. He took his training at Owens Community College. He got his Fire I and II, and EMT-B and EMT-P.


Columbus State offers the same classes, along with the HAZMAT, Fire Inspection, Arson Investigation, etc.

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Thanks Rob. I assume you work two 24s back to back? I'm a bit confused: 13 days in off time, for a 52 week year? Can you expand on that?


Thanks again


I work 109 days a year, not counting sick time or overtime. We have three platoons that rotate. The shift change is at 7:30 AM and I work every third day unless I am covering another person's vacation, sick, or H-day.

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My cousin is a full time firefighter with Hilliard FD and I am pretty sure he still is a volunteer at Washington Township. I also have a friend that is currently going through the training to become one and works as a volunteer with the EMS and Fire in one of the small stations outside of Newark in Licking County.


Like Rob said, my cousin works 24 on and 48 off. So some weeks you work 3 days, some weeks you work 2 days, just depends.


My cousin went out west to the forest fires about 4-5 years in a row. He made enough money doing that to pay cash for his house in the older section of Hilliard.

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whens the last time you found a crooked fire fighter ohhh burn


no i dont think your crooked


You said firefigther and burn in the same sentence hah.

crooked ones in Back Draft the movie!

Im just jealous they get to run lights and sirens on EVERY run damnit :mad::D

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