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Woot Off!


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Man you act like you seen a gost :p


I thought the Elvis thing was scary to!


Just been really busy. And lost track of many friends. I got to

try and keep in tabs with everyone for now on. I kept in tabs

with a few but not enough.


But as for right now. I don't have anything going on. Other than I will be

starting another car project soon. :)


And you can find me on H3 and CD4 online.

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I picked one up last year. I just went to fly it and my AAs are dead. :(


Ant, what is a BOC?


Wasn't a bunch of people trying to buy these last year?


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Bag of Crap, Jason. The $.01 item that contains random bullshit, they only have 4500 of them per Woot-Off. For a list of BOC items people have gotten, go here:




Some people get useless shit, others get really expensive items. It's a really randomized grab bag, and if you don't have your order in AS SOON as the BOC sale pops up (almost to the second after you click the "Buy It Now" link when the screen refreshed from the previous item), you're SOL and the servers get hammered.

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