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LEO driving habits...


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...are really starting to piss me off. Not all, but some. :mad:


Short story:


I'm driving to OU Chillicothe and am behind a State Trooper. He was apparently doing a continuous loop on a particular section of 23, as I learned later. Following behind him, I'm in the slow lane, he's about 1/8 mile ahead, in the fast lane. I figure, since he's staying in the fast lane, he must be clocking people heading the opposite direction. We go on for about a mile when all of a sudden, he slams on his brakes, plows his car into a 4-5' deep median, slides his crown vic sideways as he's exiting it, and then fishtailing for a little while after. All, to chase a speeder.


WTF is the point of this? You're chasing down a speeder who, IMO, isn't doing any thing severe enough to warrant such action on your part. What gives you the right to drive like a reckless idiot while the rest of the population would get nailed for doing such behavior?


It is my opinion that this shit should stop. For one, it's not necessary. Two, you're needlessly beating the everliving fuck out of a state vehichle that I'm sure I've helped pay for in some way. And three, you're not special, no matter how much you think you are.


If I hadn't been in a hurry to get to OU, I'd have swung back the other way to get his car #, and atleast tried to report it to the proper people.


Maybe Dragknee or Sawbinder can shed some light on why a good amount of LEOs feel the need to do this. Perhaps it's protocol; I dunno.




p.s. This is not meant to be a cop bashing post. I respect you and your job, but sometimes you do some shit that just makes me :mad:

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True story. This was in gahanna. I was in the left lane and a cop was in the right lane next to me. At a green light he floors it and makes a left turn in the right lane and almost clips me. This just to pull over someone that already drove into an apartment complex.
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I had an officer fly up on my ass on the bike when I was doing the speed limit. He rode my ass so close I was scared. I had talked to my mom about it (shes a cop) and she said she has herd other complaints but since I did not have the cops car number nothing I can do.


This was not a intemdation tactic he was not paying attention. He was so close If I would have braked to avoid something he would have hit me .

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I've seen them hit them wipe out doing that before and I just recently saw one hit there breaks, pull over into the grass, fish tale all over, and cause an innocent car to have to make severe maneuvers to get out of the way. This was late in the evening on I-71 just south of Delaware exits. Just more reasons I don't like/trust police.



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I had an officer fly up on my ass on the bike when I was doing the speed limit. He rode my ass so close I was scared. I had talked to my mom about it (shes a cop) and she said she has herd other complaints but since I did not have the cops car number nothing I can do.


This was not a intemdation tactic he was not paying attention. He was so close If I would have braked to avoid something he would have hit me .




When you come to a word that you dont know how to spell, say it out loud slowly twice, then quickly twice. You'll definitely get closer than "Intemdation."

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Had this happen to me on my drive back to Athens down 33. Fucker rode my ass for a mile, speeds around me, gets in my lane directly in front of me (no other cars around...no need to be in my lane) and then slows down to like 40. The whole time I am wondering what the fuck is going on...felt like I was in a movie or some shit. Then he slams his brakes directly in front of me and crosses the median (for no apparent reason). That highway patrol ftw!
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