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Be Thankful and Pray Request


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I would like to say to be thankful for everything you all have, and be thankful for your good health. It has been a tough week and haven’t been able to keep track of the days this week. I went to the game at Ann Arbor and what a game is was. I had a wonderful weekend, watching OSU, enjoying my birthday, enjoying my father's birthday. I received a call Sunday night and didn't take it because it was late, on my mobile phone and I didn't recognize the phone number.


On Monday, my buddy (Brian) gave me a call and told me his wife had an abnormal growth on one of her ovaries and they were at the OSU-The James. Brian has been one of my best friend for over 20 years. We meet in college and work together today and still have fun when we can get out of our houses. I thought that this was bad, but not too bad. The surgery would take care of this situation. Later Monday morning, I get a call from my friend he informed me the first ‘real’ news. She has ovarian cancer. I didn't take this news too well. It is hard to understand how a 36 year old can have such. His wife has been through a few surgeries in the past five years but nothing due to the “C” word. The good news is the cancer is stage 2, which there is chance things can work out. She will be starting chemotherapy soon. The real kicker is they have two small children, 6 and 3. Be thankful for your family and friends and enjoy the good times with them.


Thanks for listening,


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sorry to hear that Rick, my g/f's mom has been through a hell of alot these past 8yrs, she is the strongest woman I know, fought breast cance twice, bone cancer, and skin cancer, she has almost no muscle in her back due to all of the back surgeries she has had, me and my g/f counted the other day since 1999 she has had 39 surgeries, granted I have been with my g/f for a year her mom treats me like her son-inlaw and I treat her like a mother-inlaw hands down I think she is one of the strongest woman I have met in my entire life
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