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Doing drugs at work!


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I think it's perfectly fine to give the random drug screening assuming the proper contracts were signed. It'd show that "yeah, you mean it" when you say you don't want people smoking pot while on shift. Just giving a lecture makes it out that you'll try to just use verbal intimidation but not necessarily actually do anything to try to catch them. So you'll have some pissed at you, so what? There'll probably be plenty who'll be happy you did that cause they know that you're going to keep the place drug free, which means that they won't have to pull extra hard to make up the slack if someone gets stoned and is a lazy stoner.
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Guest chrishousley

here is a good way for you to judge the random piss tests!


When a person is pulled over by a cop under the suspension of DUI or OWI the first thing a cop does is a persons motor skills test. If the person passes or fails the person is asked to take a breathalizer test. It is a verbal yes or no and a "consenting signature" on the ticket. If the person fails obcourse the person is arrested....blah blah blah. If the person fails motor functions and passes breathlizer they are arrested immediately under the suspesion of under the influence of another substance. When at police station the person as to consent to a random drug test, yes or no, if person says no they can not force it and the only thing that is brought up in court is the person failed a motor skillz test and the cop suggests some kind of influence. Usually a automatic conviction no matter what with cameras in cop cars now adays!


How do I know this you might ask. Well lets just say one of my guys that leaves for bootcamp on this coming Mon got a DUI last Fri. Under the age of 21 have no rights when it comes to breathalizers and what not. they can not say they do not want to take it! It is mandatory under Ohio State law. After many hours this morning with the prosecutor and judge in Oxford, I finally got everything hashed out!

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Drinking is ok, Jesus turned water into wine. Go Bible.



then go read the bible tranlate from latin some of the words of incense.... It comes out to canabis. So thats BS. And your BS statement about find someone whos only did weed.



If it were not illegal I would name some names of older folks I know that its the case. So don't make shit up michael moore.

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When you sing up to work for us, we do have a paper that you sign stating that we reserve the right to randomly run a drug test, background check, and all so reserve the right to fire anyone for any reason at any time.


For all you haters:


After getting them all in a group, still, no one fessed up... so i had them sent in one at a time to get a cup and a baggie (for hair) from me in my office. I did this to give me one more opertunity to get them to fess up, one on one. The 5th person in, fessed up. I continued to have them all sent in and when everyone had i cup, I asked them to give them all back to me, and go home. i didnt tell anyone who fessed up, they ll find out when they dont show up for thier next shift.


Good thing i listend to you guys... Buncha rookies :rolleyes:





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then go read the bible tranlate from latin some of the words of incense.... It comes out to canabis. So thats BS. And your BS statement about find someone whos only did weed.



If it were not illegal I would name some names of older folks I know that its the case. So don't make shit up michael moore.

Alright cheech. Not making anything up, Marijuana = gateway drug. Being canabis doesn't mean they were smoking it.

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then go read the bible tranlate from latin some of the words of incense.... It comes out to canabis. So thats BS. And your BS statement about find someone whos only did weed.



If it were not illegal I would name some names of older folks I know that its the case. So don't make shit up michael moore.

Bible mentioned.... I am in. :p

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I just wanted to add one thing. my 1st post made it sound like i think nick is wasting his time and sucks at his job. Not so, he sounds like he does a hell of a good job, and like stated before, any and all experiance will pay off in the long run. I just think you take it a lil to serious at times man, that is all.


Glad you got it figured out.

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haha a very similar situation happened at the pizza hut in dublin where I work. 3 of my co workers (manager and two cooks) were smoking weed out back and one of our drivers called our main manager and all she did was tell them to stop smoking and get back to work. Everyone at my store would quit if one person got fired for smoking weed. Everyone still does their job and works well, half the time you can't even tell anyone is high.
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I just had this sent to my email. Thought it was appropriate for this situation.




lol I saw this awhile back. Funny story, my neighbors called 911 after he smoked some dro he got from a coworker. A very similar phone call around the same time this happened. They were big pill poppers and not really smokers. So when they did both (marijuana accentuates many other drugs and alchohol) they freaked out. Nothing wrong with them, they just freaked out. Idiots. I teased them relentlessly. The woman neighbor's (not using names) ex husband is an officer near here. Guess he didnt' find out. lol

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I think 9 out of 10 people at the pizza shop I worked at smoked when I was in high school. Even my worthless fuck up of a manager did in the walk-in freezer - with a sprite bottle off the shelf and a carved out cigarette with a straw. Man I would like to punch that piece of trash square in the shitlips.
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