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Traffic Light Changer - Change all lights for $299.99


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I heard this is being used by people doing Bull Run...the competitive races between NY and California





Easily worth twice the cost...if it wasn't illegal and wouldn't get me into a world of shit.



I wonder if you could put it on a toggle switch and just flip it on/off for pissy driving occasions

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the signal has to be a "preemption-equipped traffic signal" most of our signals are done by pads in the asphalt. I usually stop on these pads around here and sit 3 car lengths back from the front so I can trip the turn left arrow and I can be on my way instead of waiting for 200 cars to pass and me only being able to turn when the light turns yellow.


I do this every day on Sunbury Rd. going south when I get to Central College and need to turn left. The traffic there is heavy in the evening and unless you do this only one car gets to turn left every traffic cycle. Unless more that 3 vehicles want to turn left. I don't wait for the others to get behind me I just sit on the pad and I get to turn left with the arrow. I don't need to purchase anything. If you know the rules, use em. Next time you want to turn left, look for the pad, stop on it. You will be on your merry way in no time.



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the signal has to be a "preemption-equipped traffic signal" most of our signals are done by pads in the asphalt.



These are two completely different things, and often both are used. The field loops, which aren't really pads, detect a car by sensing an interruption in the magnetic field and can adjust the normal signal sequence accordingly. A preemption receiver, installed on most busy intersections, allows emergency vehicles with a transmitter to override any sequence and get an immediate green light.


Not that it makes any difference to us, given the contraband nature of using such a transmitter. It's a wonder more people don't abuse this though, it's been in use for a long time and is relatively easy to implement if you have basic electronics knowledge.

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A little while ago, there was a short lived IPTV show called "FromTheShadows" that had an episode about these devices. They had a guy on there who had one, and they changed his voice and didnt show his face. Ill see if I cant find the episode on google video.
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haha thats awesome. Here in Newark on 30th street the traffic lights are set to change if they see flashing lights, kinda like a squad or cop car. So if you drive down it and dont want to get stuck at a red light just flash your lights repeatedly. Or you could just obey the laws and suffer like everyone else and sit at the light til it changes.
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I'm fairly well aquainted with the City of Circleville service department, and their lead guy, who happens to be in charge of controlling, timing, and setting up of all the lights in Circleville. Anyways, I was talking to him one day and he was telling me a story about some guy who had one of said devices. He did it everywhere he went for 4 years straight before they finally caught onto him. Not sure what he was charged with though.


I guess the device is actually a strobe light that flashes at a certain frequency, and the receiver picks up on it, changing the street light.


I tried to get him to give me the frequency but he just laughed at me. Oh well.

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haha thats awesome. Here in Newark on 30th street the traffic lights are set to change if they see flashing lights, kinda like a squad or cop car. So if you drive down it and dont want to get stuck at a red light just flash your lights repeatedly. Or you could just obey the laws and suffer like everyone else and sit at the light til it changes.


You can't simply "flash your lights". :rolleyes:

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