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I have a challenge for all of CR...


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There are people in Brittan and Austrailia that said the smae thing not to long ago.

Even residents in Washington DC probably thought it wouldnt happen.




I don't feel I have to be in the king's exact situation to quote him. The quote fits the cause.

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So you're telling me that you cant own a fire arm in Britain, Australia, or DC? Because you're wrong in all 3 cases. Go to the Ausie "outback" or the Britsh "countryside" and you'll be hard pressed to find some one not carrying a firearm while roaming their property. Hell, in 90% of Australia you would be an idiot for not carrying. In the cities, you don't need them because a violent criminal is going to shoot/stab you before you even know that you'll need to pull your gun, any conjecture is a manipulation of statistics. If you want to stage your own revolution, the carry laws wont exactly be applying, so who cares?


You've got it good here in the states, the hell more do you want? :p

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So you're telling me that you cant own a fire arm in Britain, Australia, or DC? Because you're wrong in all 3 cases. Go to the Ausie "outback" or the Britsh "countryside" and you'll be hard pressed to find some one not carrying a firearm while roaming their property. Hell, in 90% of Australia you would be an idiot for not carrying. In the cities, you don't need them because a violent criminal is going to shoot/stab you before you even know that you'll need to pull your gun, any conjecture is a manipulation of statistics. If you want to stage your own revolution, the carry laws wont exactly be applying, so who cares?


You've got it good here in the states, the hell more do you want? :p



umm you forgot DC.

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DC is in the courts right now. But yeah, handguns were a no-no since the 70's. Long guns were kind of ok.


Britain and Oz have both outlawed the private ownership of firearms. I'm not sure exactly how they are set up, but I think that in order to shoot a gun in either country you have to have a special permit, and I believe (again, not sure) that you have to keep your firearms locked up at the range, you can't take them home with you. Ammo can't leave either.


Hell, cops in England don't even get guns unless they jump through 11ty billion hoops to be able to. The rest just get dull sticks.

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Britain and Oz have both outlawed the private ownership of firearms. I'm not sure exactly how they are set up, but I think that in order to shoot a gun in either country you have to have a special permit, and I believe (again, not sure) that you have to keep your firearms locked up at the range, you can't take them home with you. Ammo can't leave either.

You've got to be more specific, the couties over there can pass laws just the same as our states can. I'm sure that gun ownership in London is restricts, but are the laws you've sited applicable inthe boonies? If so, I've seen allot of law breakers running round with rifles and shotguns. As for Australia, pretty much everyone bwetween Perth and Sydney has a rifle, it keeps the casuaries in check. :p Again, the Ausies have laws broken down by region. City cops get flashlights, while toothless blokes in the outback drive around with 3 rifles hung in the back window of their Hilux.


DC is full of assholes that NEED to be shot, I can see why they wouldn't want to have concealable weapons in town. Just another reason that you don't want to live in DC.

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