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Bin Laden is a fucking idiot


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He doesn't send suicide bombers to their death all for their religion. They aren't fighting for freedom, they weren't oppressed by us in anyway, shape or form. Their tactics are sheer cowardism. It takes no effort to set up a road side bomb and detonate it half a mile away, it takes no courage to fire around a corner, and certainly is most cowardly to fly a plane full of innocent people into MORE innocent people. I'll say this, when we did go head to head with an Al-Qaeda group, it was no contest. Man to man, we shoot better, and always have more firepower, even when the odds were 5 to 1 in THEIR favor. They're a bunch of rag tag pieces of shit that try to justify what they do with their backwards ass fucked up religion.



Using this logic, wouldnt it also be prudent to say that Firing a missile 300 miles from it's target is cowardly also?


Bin Laden is the exact opposite of a coward... To take responsibility for such actions against the greatest military power in the world takes balls the size of which none of you have any inkling of.

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Using this logic, wouldnt it also be prudent to say that Firing a missile 300 miles from it's target is cowardly also?


Bin Laden is the exact opposite of a coward... To take responsibility for such actions against the greatest military power in the world takes balls the size of which none of you have any inkling of.

No, not at all cowardly. We are using them to take out targets of interest/Military targets. Collateral damage may come of it, but there are no cruise missiles being sent directly to a school, a hospital etc... Taking responsibility for doing shit don't mean he has balls in anyway shape or form. He likes attention, he wants people to know he did things. This way he gets more impressionable people to jump on board with his "causes". I've seen the meaning of having real balls or not. In combat you tend to find out who can walk the walk and who's completely full of shit and ducks down. Not to mention the ones who couldn't seem to pull the trigger.

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Most of our "strikes" against other countries have been damn near on the money. Thanks to GPS and other laser technology, we can almost pin point weapons to their intended targets minimizing casualties of civilians and the like. Most of the time that means putting men on the ground and them risking their ass to make sure those bombs/missiles hit their target spot on. You see the strikes on TV, but what you don't see is the men imbeded inside enemy held ground to get the intel, grid, and target locations. Technology don't do everything for us.
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I'm glad there are at least 5 people in this thread who are able to look at world events from a global perspective... that's 4 more than I thought.


Realizations that the Average American Couch Potato should make:

-There is a rationalization behind even fanaticism.

-It takes more than a hatred of ideals to mobilize hundreds of thousands/millions of people against us.

-That the world is not as black and white, good vs evil, Christian vs. Muslim, left vs. right as many people fantasize about

-That there is a time line behind our current conflicts that did not begin on September 11th.


I would never -ever- suggest that the actions of Bin Laden /Al Qaeda / Taliban / Mujahedeen / etc. are justified... I would also never suggest that the actions of the US to secure US/Israel interests in the Middle East were in the long term best interest of securing peace in the region. That campaign which started DECADES ago is the real reason this thread even exists.

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Nah I took it (130) 2 years ago. Apparently over that 8 years you lost what you learned. If you need a good book, I think I still have mine.


P.S: You are referring to Ethical Intuitionism when discussing Normative Ethics. What you'll learn later in your fledgling philosophy career is that there are no absolutes and morality is subjective.


Maybe you should keep the book to refer back to the vocabulary section.



and what did you learn about ad hominem?



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Guest Mushijobah
P.S: You are referring to Ethical Intuitionism when discussing Normative Ethics. What you'll learn later in your fledgling philosophy career is that there are no absolutes and morality is subjective.


Maybe you should keep the book to refer back to the vocabulary section.








There was no personal attack, merely a defense to your personal attack. John probably should have addressed you when bringing up ad hominem. No served, sorry. And stating that there are no absolutes in morality is the same as me saying there are....only my stance is more agreed upon by actual philosophers.


Would you like that super-sized?

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I would also never suggest that the actions of the US to secure US/Israel interests in the Middle East were in the long term best interest of securing peace in the region. That campaign which started DECADES ago is the real reason this thread even exists.


Spot on.


The media and our government would have you to believe that they hate us becuase we a free. I don't think that is the case at all. The hate us because of Israel and our unshakable support of that country. Anything that Israel does the US will support or turn a blind eye to. The Israel/Jewish lobby is the most powerful lobby in America. If you really think the white anglo-saxon protestants control this country you need to look a hair deeper.The Jewish lobby and business control more than the w.a.s.p. does.


Look at the candidates for president this time. The only one that has not paid homage to the Jewish lobby and Israel is Ron Paul. Because of this he gets ignored in the media for the most part. One of the first thing Mitt Romney did after saying he was running was make a trip to Israel.



And before someone says it, I am not antisemitic. I am just looking at the facts.

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I'm glad there are at least 5 people in this thread who are able to look at world events from a global perspective... that's 4 more than I thought.


Realizations that the Average American Couch Potato should make:

-There is a rationalization behind even fanaticism.

-It takes more than a hatred of ideals to mobilize hundreds of thousands/millions of people against us.

-That the world is not as black and white, good vs evil, Christian vs. Muslim, left vs. right as many people fantasize about

-That there is a time line behind our current conflicts that did not begin on September 11th.


I would never -ever- suggest that the actions of Bin Laden /Al Qaeda / Taliban / Mujahedeen / etc. are justified... I would also never suggest that the actions of the US to secure US/Israel interests in the Middle East were in the long term best interest of securing peace in the region. That campaign which started DECADES ago is the real reason this thread even exists.

I fought against them, I know all about their bullshit fanaticism.

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Pulling a trigger doesnt give you some esoteric knowledge on the reasoning behind the mentality of your adversary.

I would say that Scott his been closer to those people than either one of us. Living there and patrolling is going to give you more knowledge than ABC, NBC, or CBS give us.

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I could fight Mike Tyson or Kimbo and still not know what motivates them.


Pulling a trigger doesnt give you some esoteric knowledge on the reasoning behind the mentality of your adversary.

Trust me, Islam has a lot to do with it. They hate us like you wouldn't believe. They wouldn't think twice to come over and slit your throat while you sleep.

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