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Is Any Strip Club More Couples Friendly In Columbus???


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Well I went Friday and had a good time. There was a feature Jessica something with eee which was pretty good too. Most of the girls were pretty hot. There were a few skanky ones and a couple weird ones too. A few girls wore regular street clothes and didnt really strip. There was two asian chicks who came out together and just talked while at the pole too.


I am thinking of hitting up Kahoots or Dream Girls or the BYOB place on 161 next in a few weeks.


One funny thing there was this guy who came in drunk with his friend. His friend left and hooked up with a girl when he was at the bar. Anyway he wouldnt leave this one girl alone she said too me his breath stinks like mayonaise and is really drunk. He got up on the stage a few times too. She said watch this I am going to take his money. He bought her for 1500 for the night and didnt stay in the private room with her. She came walking around with his wallet and asked if I saw him. She said he didnt even want a dance etc and kept saying she was the mos beautiful girl he has seen ever.Fianlly he tried to tip her more and his card was declined the bouncer walked over with the card said get out of my fucking face and pushed him. They threw his ass out an hour before they closed. CJ

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Ok let me try something else, its the only titty bar ive been in where we had to turn our hats around, since they was on backwards!


Reminds me of a time when I ventured to Wal-Mart and a family of poor people were discussing (if you could call it that) the level of class of a restaurant they once visited. A few minutes later I deciphered that they were talking about BOB fucking EVANS.

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Haha ok so I dont know of any other titty bars that have a fucking dress code for the people coming in. Sorry I dont frequent the scene as much as others on this site apparently do. The bar on 161 your referring to is Dockside correct? I had a friend from highschool work there, she actually had a customer pay for her fake titties! Guys that go into a titty bar and talk to the strippers like they are going to get somewhere with them crack me the hell up. You dumb fool, shes playing you for your money and doing a damn good job at it. I bet the guy that spent 1500 woke up the next morning wanting to shoot himself in the face!
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