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If Hillary becomes president..........


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Exactly the answer I thought I would get. I am not pro Clinton, nor am I Anti-Bush. This is why I pointed out that Bush is just one man and not 100% the cause of our problems. I based my response on the changes I have seen. I know for a fact that we are in worse shape than we were, and as a leader it is his job to accept part of the blame. You can continue to dance around answers without me. I asked you a yes or no question and got a novel. Smoke and mirrors doesnt work on everyone. You keep being CR's political David Blaine, and I will go back to watching your magic show from the crowd.


Good day sir.

If you are asking if we are better off now? I would say no. We have been on this course through many administrations not just Bush. Since 1948.

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If you are asking if we are better off now? I would say no. We have been on this course through many administrations not just Bush. Since 1948.


Yes becasue we are not voting for who will fix America. We are stuck voting for who is most likely not to put us in a worse state. Now to my point. In my opinion it doesnt matter who is in office. We are damned as a nation because most of us are clueless as to what is going on. It's no doubt that you are educated, but can we say that for 30% of CR..... no. Hell I would be suprised if 15% had an idea of just how far in the crapper we are. There is no one that has the balls to force change. They just say what their PR person tells them to, then they sit back and let the powers that be shit on the rest of America. Bush is the product of what happens when you are given bad advice. Clinton is a product of what happens when you make bad decisions, and our state is the product of years of things like this happening.


There is no way in hell I'm voting for Hilary, but can you tell me who I can vote for that wont make things worse than they already are? I stopped voting because I noticed that it's just like having an option as to what type of lubricant you want to use while being ass raped.

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Yes becasue we are not voting for who will fix America. We are stuck voting for who is most likely not to put us in a worse state. Now to my point. In my opinion it doesnt matter who is in office. We are damned as a nation because most of us are clueless as to what is going on. It's no doubt that you are educated, but can we say that for 30% of CR..... no. Hell I would be suprised if 15% had an idea of just how far in the crapper we are. There is no one that has the balls to force change. They just say what their PR person tells them to, then they sit back and let the powers that be shit on the rest of America. Bush is the product of what happens when you are given bad advice. Clinton is a product of what happens when you make bad decisions, and our state is the product of years of things like this happening.


There is no way in hell I'm voting for Hilary, but can you tell me who I can vote for that wont make things worse than they already are? I stopped voting because I noticed that it's just like having an option as to what type of lubricant you want to use while being ass raped.


We agree,except for the not voting.

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The question is, "Is America in a better condition now than when Clinton was in office?". I dont care if you want to say Clinton got lucky, or Bush didnt contribute to our downward spiral... I would just like to see a straight forward answer for a change.


I'll take on that question directly and its a big fat YES. So your not doing as well as you were 9-10 years ago? I for one am 100 time better off than I was then and I'm gonna stick my neck out and say that most everyone (except people in Michigan due to the ongoing "big 3" problems) are doing better as well.


If need be I can go into a lot of detailed economics to prove we are, but its basically as simple as looking at the US indexes which are in record territory.


As for what Bush did. His tax policies pulled us out of the 1999-2003 recession that clinton masked in the last couple years of his term. We were already heading down that road long before Bush got in office. Look at the charts you will see and learn.



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I'll take on that question directly and its a big fat YES. So your not doing as well as you were 9-10 years ago? I for one am 100 time better off than I was then and I'm gonna stick my neck out and say that most everyone (except people in Michigan due to the ongoing "big 3" problems) are doing better as well.


If need be I can go into a lot of detailed economics to prove we are, but its basically as simple as looking at the US indexes which are in record territory.


As for what Bush did. His tax policies pulled us out of the 1999-2003 recession that clinton masked in the last couple years of his term. We were already heading down that road long before Bush got in office. Look at the charts you will see and learn.



When I said no we are not doing better I was referring to the political climate, not financial.

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I'll take on that question directly and its a big fat YES. So your not doing as well as you were 9-10 years ago? I for one am 100 time better off than I was then and I'm gonna stick my neck out and say that most everyone (except people in Michigan due to the ongoing "big 3" problems) are doing better as well.


If need be I can go into a lot of detailed economics to prove we are, but its basically as simple as looking at the US indexes which are in record territory.


As for what Bush did. His tax policies pulled us out of the 1999-2003 recession that clinton masked in the last couple years of his term. We were already heading down that road long before Bush got in office. Look at the charts you will see and learn.




You make it sound like he continued down the same road that started way before him, as Dr. Rick and I both agreed upon. So wouldnt the answer be no?? Unless in some way our worse situation is still better than our previous situation :confused:


The value of the American Dollar... the job market... etc.. etc... Every 4 years we are worse off regardless of who is in office. Just because you are doing good doesnt mean that the majority are better off. We still have a lot to fix.

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When I said no we are not doing better I was referring to the political climate, not financial.


Yes the rich are richer, and the poor are richer too. Just about everyone can afford a TV and a car. If we lok at the overall picture compared to other countires however, we are losing our luster.

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Yes the rich are richer, and the poor are richer too. Just about everyone can afford a TV and a car. If we lok at the overall picture compared to other countires however, we are losing our luster.

Good point! Look at the value of the dollar.

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The value of the dollar is low because we want it low. 99% of the other industrial nations of the world are raising interest rates and having inflation problems (go figure.) We on the other hand are having a problem with not enough inflation at the moment which is why we are lowering interest rates. The FED attempts to keep inflation just above 1.5% per year. Its much easier to have a slight increase year after year then to try to keep it at 0% and risk it going negative sometimes and causing annoying price movements.

Another good reason we are moving the dollar lower is the stimulate US exports which has been working in the last 6 months.

Yet another reason is China. China has a lot of investment in our treasuries and the FED is moving to reduce that problem. Its working China has in the last few weeks began putting money into EUROs which will be great for us. Oil is also traded in USD's. Notice how gasoline prices never moved up to record highs even though Oil per barrel prices moved to record territory? US exchange rate guys. Thats what kept you from paying $4.50 per gallon so far this fall.


Not everything the media tells you is correct. Besides Bush doesn't effect the US economy that much on a month to month basis unless he did something like a tax plan, but the only tax plan he had put our economy in record territory so I'd say he's doing alright.

The current FED chairman is democrat and a newb, but he's doing a pretty good job. The thing we investors would like to see is no more breaks for the mortgage people and no more rate cuts. We just want the big correction to take place so we can get back to making investments without the worry of a FED decision on the horizon.



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Economically our nation is in a continuing state of growth. While housing markets collapse and the american car companies seem to be losing workers, overall jobs are continuing to be created, inflation is relatively low, taxes are low, and there are plenty of jobs.


Politically we're becoming divided. Democrats are selling their soul to the devil for power and the Republicans aren't standing for conservative values. I'm getting pissed off because this shit almost makes me like Ron Paul.


Immigration. Sucks. Fix the problem, build a fence, make the door wider and let's let people in legally.......fine employers to hire illegal trespassers.


We didn't get into this position overnight. This is a culmination of not paying attention because the problem isn't big enough.

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