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Bush really is an idiot


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The difference between Clinton and Bush:

-Clinton commited a half assed crime over a personal matter and had no one to cover it up

-Bush commits real crimes with our money and our people, and has a huge apparatus to cover it up.

How many emails did they "whoops" delete earlier this month?



Incorrect, I was referring to Bush's full-oh-holes actions. You're right, we sent over a big bold responce, and it's gotten allot of attention: There are more people joining Jihad now than there were in 2001, because all of the bullshit that the extremists had been spitting about the USA wanting muslims dead came true. Bush sent over his armies, unprovoked, and called it a crusade. Aint hard to stand in front of a crowd and spin that one to your favor, is it? Hell, Bush is doing Bin Ladens job better than he ever has.

As for being more bold? This wasn't their first attack on American soil, it just worked this time.


We will have to agree to disagree. :D

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Problem 1

Clinton knew and failed to act.

Problem 2

Clinton had the authority to act and did NOTHING beside throw a few stones to get attention off of Monica.

Problem 3

Clinton was/is a liar and committed a crime. That is why he was impeached.



Your right that is what Clinton accomplished... give them a bloody nose and make them bolder and more angry.





It taught the guys like Bin Laden that America and the administration would not stand and fight.


I was in the middle east under Clinton. Remember our invasion in 97-98? Oh, that's right, it wasn't publicized. Not everything is public knowledge, nor should it be. IMO, that's part of the problem here. Too many people able to argue about too many things.


As for impeaching a pres for every infraction, we would never have a sitting president. Every president has their faults.


Also Rick, you need to understand that when we have a discussion about Bush, there is no need to bring up Clinton (every fucking time). It seems as if that is your only retaliation against Bush-Bashing.

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I was in the middle east under Clinton. Remember our invasion in 97-98? Oh, that's right, it wasn't publicized. Not everything is public knowledge, nor should it be. IMO, that's part of the problem here. Too many people able to argue about too many things.


As for impeaching a pres for every infraction, we would never have a sitting president. Every president has their faults.


Also Rick, you need to understand that when we have a discussion about Bush, there is no need to bring up Clinton (every fucking time). It seems as if that is your only retaliation against Bush-Bashing.

Because everyone usually jumps to Clinton being such a bad ass president. I like Bush plain and simple. We wouldn't have the military we have today if it weren't for him. If you want us to remain how we are, WE need the World's greatest military, which is what we STILL are and will be.

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Because everyone usually jumps to Clinton being such a bad ass president. I like Bush plain and simple. We wouldn't have the military we have today if it weren't for him. If you want us to remain how we are, WE need the World's greatest military, which is what we STILL are and will be.

Well said. Clinton seems to be the liberal wet dream of the perfect president. The "do what feels good crowd" Clinton embodied the ideal model of the liberal representative. Do what you want, then blame someone else for your problems. This continues to this day. Bush gets flack for the economy, but people forget Clinton holding a press conference about 8 months before his term running out talking about the slowing economy.


Is Bush the best president? Nope. I think he is the right guy for the times though. Not perfect by any means. I think it is funny that the Bush haters/Clinton sack riders have very short memories. They forget that Clinton(s) said Iraq had WMD's. He had UN sanction levied based on those statements too. Mrs. Clinton Voted to invade. But all of this get swept under the rug.

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If you want us to remain how we are, WE need the World's greatest military


And how exactly are we? Our economy is in the shitter, the housing market has completely dried up, jobs are being shipped overseas, and we're entangled in a war overseas that is incapable of being won in the foreseeable future. Furthermore this war is being funded by our debt that is being mostly bought by foreign investment from countries such as china. Asian countries currently own around 80% of our debt and they're buying it by taking cash out of their own economies, therefore making their money stronger as the dollar falls to an all-time low. I could go on but it depresses me, if you feel that this is an America that YOU want to live in then by all means seek help my friend.

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And how exactly are we? Our economy is in the shitter, the housing market has completely dried up, jobs are being shipped overseas, and we're entangled in a war overseas that is incapable of being won in the foreseeable future. Furthermore this war is being funded by our debt that is being mostly bought by foreign investment from countries such as china. Asian countries currently own around 80% of our debt and they're buying it by taking cash out of their own economies, therefore making their money stronger as the dollar falls to an all-time low. I could go on but it depresses me, if you feel that this is an America that YOU want to live in then by all means seek help my friend.

Your are 100% right! As long as you realize that this problem has long preceded any administration that any of us have lived through. If you want to point finger make sure go back to Woodrow Wilson and Senator Aldrich et al.

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So did anyone watch the press conference this morning? Those reporters that asked about Iran are the idiots. For one, Bush didn't even mention Iran in the opening statement, he was talking about all the appropriations bills that congress is delaying (which included my freakin raise, so hurry it up democrats) and some reporters asked decent questions about the housing market and such that in a way had to do with it. But these other idiots in the front row constantly asked the same damn questions about Iran and how the NIE states that Iran does not have a nuke program. So of course Bush would give them the same answer every time.

If the reporters even read the NIE it states that Iran bought weapons grade fissile material, but not enough and that is part of the reason they halted, not having enough material. Wow, seems to be one of the thing they're working on now isn't it. It also states that it is not known if the program would halt indefinitely and they could decide to start it again once they get the technical and industrial means. "Oh, you mean like longer range ballistic missiles and weapons-grade uranium? That they're working on right now?" Idiots


Pointless conference though, I want to know when congress is going to give me my money

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Oh just to add about one of the questions a reporter asked. It was something to the extent of why the president continues to hype what's going on in Iran.....Like i said before Bush said nothing about Iran when he got out there, but was constantly asked useless questions about it from these same reporters. I want to know why they keep trying to hype it up.

Just venting really

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