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For my 1000th post...

El Karacho1647545492

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I'm not even starting into a political debate cuz YOUR 20, your veiws are that of your parents still.


No, my staunchest political opponent is my dad. Just because you didn't grow out from the shadow of your parents until you were 25 doesn't mean that the rest of the world followed suit.




Btw I wasn't really wishing you harm, I don't know who you are and therefore have no ill will towards you, I'm just trying to spice this thread up and maybe make this winter interesting since we haven't really had any fun benchracing threads yet.


Carry on.


EDIT: The whole Dayton vs. gibbyzracing saga thread is looking pretty entertaining actually.

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Why did you chose to become a Boston "blue blood" Alex?


I'm originally from Connecticut, so Boston/northeast winters weren't really a deterrent factor in choosing college. For me it was really the size+quality of the school+since I was always kinda a conservative in HS, I figured going to a gigantic liberal city campus might challenge my views and help me learn more. That, and Sam Adams is dirt cheap around here.

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Alex, are you a masochist? It seems like every so often you go out of your way to put yourself directly in the line of unnecessary fire.


I get bored here in Boston, everyone here is a bleeding heart liberal that just wants to coddle my ass instead of throwing a few insults my way. If I don't do this every so often I'll get soft.


edit: lol like this makes me a hardass :D

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