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Kevin R.

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I'm in for a tourney as long as it happens after new years which is when I drive back.


Suggestion for the rules, as they are the ones used in my house:


-10 cup = 3 beers, 1 rerack taken anytime at the beginning of one's turn

-Overtime = 3 cups, 1 beer, 0 reracks

-Make both cups = balls back

-bounces can be blocked, count for 2 cups

-as long as the ball doesn't hit the ground, it's still in play and any cup it hits counts

-NBA Jam Rules (he's heating up, he's ON FIRE!!, shoot til you miss)

-Gentleman's Rule (if the ball rolls back to your side, you can pick it up and take an around-the-back shot)

-Girls can blow, guys cannot finger

-Shooting over the table costs you a cup

-whenever an opponent asks you to "touch 'em up" you must comply, even in the middle of a turn

-pull your cup, lest the opponent make both balls in the same cup and the game is over

-finish your cup before you shoot

-nudity is a perfectly acceptable form of defense

-Elbow violations:

1st infraction = warning, no penalty, no reshot

2nd infraction = reshot if they make it, none if they miss

3rd infraction = must be agreed on by an impartial observer, but this constitutes a "Party Foul" and the offending person has to pull a cup

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I'm in for a tourney as long as it happens after new years which is when I drive back.


Suggestion for the rules, as they are the ones used in my house:


-10 cup = 3 beers, 1 rerack taken anytime at the beginning of one's turn

-Overtime = 3 cups, 1 beer, 0 reracks

-Make both cups = balls back

-bounces can be blocked, count for 2 cups

-as long as the ball doesn't hit the ground, it's still in play and any cup it hits counts

-NBA Jam Rules (he's heating up, he's ON FIRE!!, shoot til you miss)

-Gentleman's Rule (if the ball rolls back to your side, you can pick it up and take an around-the-back shot)

-Girls can blow, guys cannot finger

-Shooting over the table costs you a cup

-whenever an opponent asks you to "touch 'em up" you must comply, even in the middle of a turn

-pull your cup, lest the opponent make both balls in the same cup and the game is over

-finish your cup before you shoot

-nudity is a perfectly acceptable form of defense

-Elbow violations:

1st infraction = warning, no penalty, no reshot

2nd infraction = reshot if they make it, none if they miss

3rd infraction = must be agreed on by an impartial observer, but this constitutes a "Party Foul" and the offending person has to pull a cup


I hate these rules.

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Drinking games are not fun when sausage fests are going on. CR=Sausage Fest 365 days a year. Maybe I'm a sex offender that never got caught, but we played to get girls drunk and then well I'll let you filll in the rest.


Although this is the MAIN goal of the game, I also enjoy playing with some buddies if it is a boring night, such as last night aka Sunday. Plus, if I sit around drinking beer I won't get drunk, so beer pong speeds that process up for me. It is just another game, like basketball, to me. :p

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That's not beer pong, that's just sick.


I'm pretty good at beer pong once I've drank a few. On the defensive manuver side, I've pulled the texas belt buckle a time or 2 to help guarantee a miss.


I know, I just linked that because he has skillz. Who knows how many takes that video took though......

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Drinking games are not fun when sausage fests are going on. CR=Sausage Fest 365 days a year. Maybe I'm a sex offender that never got caught, but we played to get girls drunk and then well I'll let you filll in the rest.

oh uh nevermind i think i am busy then, whenever you guys play lol

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