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Vick sentenced.....


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A criminal act is a crimal act. The time served should be consistent based on others that have done similar acts. By making an example out of him they are doing him a favor in that he will have more of a following. People that feel this is unfair will come from everywhere and attack the decision making of those involved. They pretty much gave him more TV time, more people to feel sorry for him, and more of a chance that his act will be over shadowed by his sentencing.


Everything about this situation is stupid. He's stupid, peta is stupid, the courts are stupid, and I feel stupid for wasting time thinking about it.

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I feel stupid that I live in a country where its against the law to pit animals against each other. I even like the idea of betting on fights. Trouble is he knew the laws and did it anyway. He's a star he can't go around doing stupid shit and expect no one to notice so he deserves something, but not that much punishment and fines of that size and penalties by his team's management. Thats just way to much for 1,000,000 dogs lives.



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everyone's making it out to be trivial here. its not like he hit a dog with his car, or shot a dog with a gun, or even beat a dog to death with a bat. he drown multiple dogs, hung them, shot them, tortured them, and even electrocuted them. he even failed several drug tests while all this was going on. you'd figure if a guy was in trouble, and now in the media as his case was, they'd at least be able to lay off the drugs. he should serve every second of that sentence, and got off lightly if you ask me.
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everyone's making it out to be trivial here. its not like he hit a dog with his car, or shot a dog with a gun, or even beat a dog to death with a bat. he drown multiple dogs, hung them, shot them, tortured them, and even electrocuted them. he even failed several drug tests while all this was going on. you'd figure if a guy was in trouble, and now in the media as his case was, they'd at least be able to lay off the drugs. he should serve every second of that sentence, and got off lightly if you ask me.

Good to see some people "get it". +1 for you.

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You know if he had not lied to the prosecutors during the investigation. Then lied about smoking pot during the investigation. He would have had less time. Heck if he would have been up front he could have plea bargained. There is more then just the killing of the dogs. There is the dog fights them self. Which is illegal. Gambling on the illegal dog fights. Hosting all of this inside your property is another. etc etc etc.
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