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Vw Gtg 12/13 7pm


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Just curious as to why we never hear about these meetings during the good weather season?? Not that it means anything to me but it's something I've noticed they get posted in the winter time, either I'm missing something like all VW guys are Polar Bear club members or something.
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I finally got the local group to show up to events. We hit the late summer shows and got good participation so I continued to push for bi-weekly gtg's even into the winter.


This spring / summer will be a whole different local scene. We've got about 15-18 regulars with about 30 more that show up to the bigger events.


Plan so far is:

Motorstadt - Detroit

Tail of the Dragon - Tennessee with Quattro club

Midwest Dubfest - Indy

Treffen - Chicago

H2oi - Ocean City

Dub Dash - Dayton


with a Columbus show in the works and several smaller regional shows not national in the plans.


I have dedicated a lot of time with others in the ohiovw group to strive for participation, a new website, more GTG's, and better planning on cruise/rallye/shows. Seems like it is working as we have about 15 regulars at these bi weekley winter GTG's. I expect the number to almost double when spring/summer hits.

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