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Sparrow's are the bane of my existence!!!


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:nono: So i just figured i would share this with everyone and see if it has happened to anybody else...so i was riding the other day and i was just cruisin' at around 50mph (no helmet, just my goggles) and these two birds just flew right in front of me, which is nothing out of the ordinary...but then about 7 seconds later another sparrow flew outta nowhere and hit my right shoulder :eek: ...bounced off my chest and hit me in my chin all while flapping it's wings frantically, so naturally my first reaction is to try to swat it away, (i used my left hand of course) but when i knocked the bird down i swerved and barely gained control (and oncomming traffic was definitely on it's way)...i know this doesn't compare so some of the stories i'v heard, but it was THE SCARIEST thing to happen to me in my LIFE thus far...has anyone else been attacked by wild kamikaze sparrows?
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I have had everything from yellow jackets/bees somehow going down my shirt and sting me, to small birds, all the way up to a friggin' 15+ pound goose nearly take off my head. The goose was by far the one thing that gave the largest pucker job.

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Good ole' friendly birds... When I was walking over to my garage at 5:45am ish this morning, I walked around this tree like I always do, and this racoon was sitting there. I must of scared him cuz he got pissed and held his ground. He didnt move at all. It Starting hissing violently at me and swatting at the air like he was about to fuck my day up. I took off down the alley like flounder was chasing me with a bottle of KY and an ass plug. It scared the shit out of me. He was a mean little fucker!! :eek::eek:

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Good ole' friendly birds... When I was walking over to my garage at 5:45am ish this morning, I walked around this tree like I always do, and this racoon was sitting there. I must of scared him cuz he got pissed and held his ground. He didnt move at all. It Starting hissing violently at me and swatting at the air like he was about to fuck my day up. I took off down the alley like flounder was chasing me with a bottle of KY and an ass plug. It scared the shit out of me. He was a mean little fucker!! :eek::eek:

Trust me.. your safer with the racoon then you are with me Yota...

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Last year I got a yellow jacket caught inside my helmet which came in from the bottom and stung the hell out of me below my ear. I skidded to a stop and pulled my shit off FAST! Hurt like hell!

I've almost been hit by a vulture before feeding off of dead animal in the road, was not cool.

Last year also, I was riding with a friend and he got a bird IMPALED on his brake lever at over 100mph!! :eek:

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I think the biggest reason I wear a helmet now is because a robin (or somethign similar) hit me in the head while cruising about 60-70 way back when...just about lost it, everything went all dark and starry long enough for the bike to slow down and get all wobbly, felt like someone smacked me hard in the forehead with a rubber mallet.

Only thing I could think of was that would be the stupidest crash ever.

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That's some funny stuff. Just a bird off the helmet in Texas for me. Well there was this time coming back from Austin in 75 when a van pulled up next to me and passed me a shotgunner and you'd stuff it up into your helmet and squeeze. Oh wait, that was me hitting something, not it hitting me, sorry.

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all the way up to a friggin' 15+ pound goose nearly take off my head. The goose was by far the one thing that gave the largest pucker job.

Man I hate geese... lol

I do my part every season to thin down the flock for myself and fellow riders. Makes for some super good goose sticks (similar to beef sticks only better).

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I freakin hate geese.

One time I was riding at twighlight on a near empty country road enjoying the scenery. I was wearing a jacket and helmet as usual. Out of nowhere a June bug hit me in the one unprotected area...my throat. Hit me hard enough in the adams apple to make me gag and almost fall off my bike.

I had a close call one windy day a while back. While riding over the bridges heading 270 South at easton (right past Kelly BMW). I was in the center lane passing a Honda minivan which was going slow in the left lane. I was at about the rear quarter of the minivan when a big side wind gust brought a bird about the size of a large seagull slamming into the side of the minivan. There was bird s*%t and blood flying everywhere, and I had to duck to avoid the flailing body as it bounced off the side of the van. I was scared as hell in the moment, but couldn't stop laughing afterward.

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Ive been hit in the throat by a rock at 70mph (damn near passed out)

but ive only hit birds in my car.. Two mornings in a row on the dame road and same road kill

one turkey vulture each day jumped up from its breakfast and decided that i was challenging it for its food and they both jumped up and flew directly at me both hitting the windshield and the A-pillar (still scratches on the a pillar cover) right in front of my face ..

the second could have been on a revenge flight for its mate but they both loosing to my car...

couldnt imagine what that would be like on a bike... :wtf:

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