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Guest hotrodmama024
get his wife/girlfriend pregnant??????? or is that too mean?


I thought i was evil! You have me beat!


Go get a about 5 trash bags of horse manure, and dump it at his front door. That was always my favorite. ;)

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Between you and Scott, I know going to Iraq is a bad idea.

I have the sapper handbook, and the engineer bible, I can make one hell of a claymore. ;) Bear traps are fun, but too much of a blood trail. How bad do you want to "get" this person? I've got a full book of pranks I've pulled, from rubbing my balls on someone's canteens, to taking a crap in their kevlar etc...

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in all seriousness, one i've done that was hilarious and worth every cent was buying a subscription to "Alternative Lifestyles" magazines and sent it to his girlfriend's address.


Nope....you already said it..."Cleveland Steamer"


The Cleveland steamer is a form of coprophilia, where a man or a woman defecates on a partner's chest. There is also an alternative method where a man or a woman defecates on a partner's chest then spreads the feces around with his or her buttocks in a sexual nature

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actually got three pranks lined up.. there is a back story he pulled a pretty good one a friend of mine but that friend is a little punk and wont do nothing so it I will step in for him..



gay pride sticker is being put on his bumper as we speak! he is the BIGGEST homophobe!


changed his start up sound on his computer to a woman moaning LOUDLY.. and changed his ringtone on his phone to me cussing up a storm he gets like a million phone calls a day at work and he has a nextel so his ring tones are SUPER SUPER loud..

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