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Global warming


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It may not be that bad:



One example, avg 49 polar bears die a year to hunting, 4-5 die a year from global warming. More benefit and less cost would be seen in restricting hunting than trying to control the entire world's carbon dioxide output.



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LMAO, supldys

No matter what we as humans create, it will not have a big enough impact on the environment to change it. "Global Warming" is a joke and should be taken as such, your little fun fact proves nothing and is most likely a fact some liberal pulled out of their ass....just like "global warming"


/thread for me

**flame on in my absence

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If you don't believe that we have some affect on the environment you are an idiot.

Go to LA or Salt lake city when the "inversion" moves in, China, or India, you can't even see the sun in the citys.


Now do i believe in global warming at all, NO, but we affect the environment.

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Global warming IS fake, global climate change is real.


It get's hot, it get's cold, it get's hot, it get's cold.....notice a pattern....cause I notice one everyday.


It's getting warmer, and people completely doubt the ABILITY of humans to adapt, as well as the earth.

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been studying this stuff for the past 2 years... in simple the earth goes through cycles and right now as co2, nox, and methane increases so does the earths temperature--this has happened before without human assistance(fact)


imho, Its nothing to freak out about...its happend before and will happen again in a few thousand years.

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Computer companies made a bunch of money on Y2K, a big scam, oh but that was on Clinton's watch so it doesn't count. :o


I tooted that horn all through the 1996-2000 period while working in IT. I couldn't believe all the money a bunch of otherwise smart corp managers were throwing at a problem that didn't even exist. People lined up in droves to get their cars, computers, toasters "Y2K compliant." It made me sick.



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LMAO, supldys

No matter what we as humans create, it will not have a big enough impact on the environment to change it. "Global Warming" is a joke and should be taken as such, your little fun fact proves nothing and is most likely a fact some liberal pulled out of their ass....just like "global warming"


/thread for me

**flame on in my absence


Actually I'm far from liberal and think global warming is a crock'o'shit. That fact was saying just what you did, that global warming is a joke and theres other stuff to worry about.


I was more or less getting at the point that even if global warming is real it would have more benefits on humanity than consequences. more deaths are attributed to cold than warm temperatures, and it would increase agricultural output and therefore help with hunger and malnutrition blah blah blah, pretty much what that article I posted was saying.

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Shut up! all of your ultra right wing conservitive, meat eating, walmart buying, homophobic morons. How dare you inject logic, science and free thought into our culture.


"societies dont become more tolerant, they just switch targets"

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