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using a computer to share an internet connection?

Rally Pat

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I have a cross over cable I made at school in Networking 202. The TV in my house that has the RGB composite cables I will use to hook up my 360 when it gets here in 2 days isn't anywhere near my router. How do I setup windows to share my wireless connection through the ethernet port (or is there a linux distro I should use)? i have a spare PIII computer that I am not using that has an 802.11g card in it.
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get a wireless bridge, not a router. I assume you already have wireless in your house. get a bridge, plug your xbox into it and blam, you have internets



Also if you use the crossover cable that should work fine too. just plug it into your computer, and the right click the wireless connection and go to sharing, then enable the sharing. shouldn't be all that hard.

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get a wireless bridge, not a router. I assume you already have wireless in your house. get a bridge, plug your xbox into it and blam, you have internets


The whole point of this is I am a cheap ass and refuse to purchase stuff I can make work out of what I already have.

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Ok, if I understand things correctly, you've got:


Cable/DSL+ wireless router >>> huge frackin' distance >>> XBox360 (which MSFT didn't put a wireless chip into)


So you want to take an old p3 you have lying around, and turn it into wire/wireless converter for the XBox. Sounds reasonable. Assuming the wireless card is compatible, I could probably get it set up in about an hour or so using OpenBSD, and another guy I know here could probably do it in similar time with Linux.

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This is hard to do in windows I tried before. Easier if you can use unix. Easiest would be a wireless card for the 360. I sold mine a bit ago. I wish you would of asked sooner I would of given you a deal.


For the time being do you not have enough wire and/or switches/hubs to run a wire from the xbox to the router?

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Ok, my computer isn't wanting to show me what to do since I don't have two network cards, so I can't guarantee this is right.


Go to control panel - network connections (I'm assuming you are running XP) then look at the Network Tasks bar on the left of the window. Click on Set up a home or small office network, and you should be able to do it from there.


Oh, and I would like to point out that you can get a 4 port hub for about $10 these days.

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My mom doesnt want an ethernet cable strung all through my house. Thats the main reason for this. I considered Linksys' old school ethernet to 802.11b/g bridges that they came out with when Sony released the original network adapter for PS2.


And a 4 port hub isnt going to do me any good, but I appreciate the note.


And its not really a huge distance, my house is a 4 level split, and this tv is almost directly above the wireless router which is one level below.

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I figured out how to do it in Vista, and I have my laptop sharing it's wireless connection with my 360 through a crossover cable. Unfortunately, Microsoft has the LIVE sign up servers down right now for upgrades, so I havent been able to sign up, but the connection works.


PS: Mass Effect is awesome.

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