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PRO Gun Show - Westland Mall - Dec 29-30


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What you are looking for is a Smith & Wesson 460XVR w/ a super short barrel. It's about the mildest handgun you can find, and is perfect for small, delicate women. Price is about $900, though.


You won't even know you're shooting it.




Some funny shit right there!!!





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are these stolen guns?


Most probably aren't, but I wouldn't doubt that some are. I just don't trust the shady guys at the gun booth. That's just me.


Gun store = can buy new, never used guns. I prefer to buy 'new' whenever I can, as with almost anything I do. Only reason I'd go used is if I was looking for a relic or something. Again, that's just me.

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well i just want something to protect me. it's not something i'd shoot that often (hopefully) but reliable and easy to use lol

Go Glock 19 I'd say. 9mm is pretty cheap to shoot (if you did), brings a nice amount of power, and the 19 is compact enough to fit smaller hands.


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well i just want something to protect me. it's not something i'd shoot that often (hopefully) but reliable and easy to use lol


Oh, and incase you didn't pick up on it, I am kidding about the S&W 460XVR for a starter handgun. It's on the verge of being a cannon. :D


For selecting a gun for yourself, I would start out by reading this thread. It'll give you some ideas on where to begin.


But, my best piece of advice is not to take anyones advice as gospel. Don't buy a certain gun just because so-and-so tells you to. Find a selection of different ones that you think you'd like, possibly ones that are recommended to you, and go shoot them. Make several trips to a shooting range that rents guns, and shoot as many as you can. Pick which one YOU like best.


That's my best advice. Find what fits you.

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well i just want something to protect me. it's not something i'd shoot that often (hopefully) but reliable and easy to use lol



Sounds like you need to go to Vance's, Blackwing, New Albany Shooting Range, ect.....

You need someone to take the time to help you pick the right gun for you. That's not going to happen at the gun show. For one the selection at any single booth is very limited and the place gets so damn busy most of the time it's hard for the dealer to watch over his guns and try to sell something. So the chances your going to get quality of assistance is slim to none.


Don't go to the gun show unless you take someone that knows guns like the back of their hand and can inspect the gun. Even then you could end up like me with a bad part internally and then your screwed.


Dragknee has a good point too.. there is more to the gun shows than guns. The DO help protect our 2nd ammendment right and they always have gadgets and surplus army crap. OH and don't forget the guy with the $5 switchblades... I always buy a couple for friends..

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yeah... i'd like to go to the shooting range sometime, that would be cool.


thanks guys!!!!!!!!

Just got a year membership out @ Blackwing for the indoor range if you want to join in. Nice thing is you can rent firearms to get a feel for everyone. Different sizes, calibers, and manufacterers. It's like buying shoes, yeah they may fit, but can hurt your feet after walking in them.

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well i just want something to protect me. it's not something i'd shoot that often (hopefully) but reliable and easy to use lol


Everyone has given you good suggestions on what to do since you are looking to get a firearm. My biggest suggestion is to go to a quality range and rent some guns and give them a shot. It is the best way to find out what will fit you. You can never tell that about a gun until you shoot it. I know atleast Blackwing and Ohio Valley Outdoors (Lancaster) will let you rent guns for around $10.


Since you said you are looking for soming in the couple hundred dollar range, you are a bit limited. You can find some some mid grade used guns in that range, but you take your changes. If you are wanting something new, you honestly may want to look at Hi-Points. I know a lot of people rag on them a lot, but they are cheap, reliable (go boom when you pull the trigger), built here in Ohio, and they have a lift time warranty. They have models from 9mm to 45 and cost between $120-$200 new at Vances every day. If you can come up with a bit more, you can really open up your options into many different makers low end models. I have a Smith & Wesson Sigma 9mm I picked up last year for $300. They are on sale right now in 9mm or 40 at Vances for $299 with a $50 mail in rebate.

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whats the difference between a new and used gun?


Usually just the wear and tear.

You can find a nice used Glock though.



You could shoot my sig 9mm, m&p 40 or glock 40 youll probably like the sig 9mm the best though like everyone else that shoots it heh.


If we go to new albany Ill bring my AR15 and shotgun too

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whats the difference between a new and used gun?


Depends on where your buying at. At Vance's (or any reputable gun shop) the difference is going to be mostly price. The used gun might have some blemishes but that's about it. Any reputable gun shop won't sell a junk used gun.

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Isn't a shotgun the best home defense weapon?


A shotgun with 00 buck shot in it will definitely kill someone and NOT go thru the wall into the neighbor's house or apartment and possibly kill them too.


fixed. Bird shot will usually just piss someone off.

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Do they usually have good deals on ammo at these shows? I have heard that you can find good prices at shows, but then again do I really want to be running some random guy's reloads through my pistols?


Oh and LOL at the 460XVR survival kit, I like how it comes with that 'when bears attack' book. Perfect reading for when you get stranded in the middle of nowhere! In all reality, the full size 460 XVR is an ideal self defense gun for anyone, since the mere sight of it will likely cause a perp to lose control of his bowels. Inquiring about his current feelings of luck will probably cause him to drop dead from sheer terror.

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i think i have the birdshot... is that what sprays all over when you shoot it?



Yea, it 'sprays', but so does Buck shot. Bird shot, as the name suggests, is for birds. Buck shot, as the name suggests, can be used for deer if you so choose, and is designed for much larger animals, or in this case, people.


Buck shot is going to kick more, so you'd have to adjust. But, IMO, if your life is on the line, you really won't care about the recoil, and probably won't even notice it in the heat of things.


Just my opinion.


And as has been said before; go to the range. I'm sure Scott or Dragknee would be more than willing to take you along.

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