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Set on truth but ignore the facts. Young Earth vs The real world RANT


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Why is it a SMALL SUBSET of christians support young earth theory were the majority do not and think genisis is to be taken as a guidelines not literal.



Its amazing to me that this small subset would so blindly make statements and screw info to make there view seem like its a science of any type.



If they would move out of the fucking dark ages and accept current science they would have a helluva allot easier time reaching people who have a open mind and do not wish to be dictated what to believe.




I know its old and tired but if you don't liket his fucking thread stay the fuck out.



The only reason I'm fired up on this is because I did not have the heart to give my wifes father crap at the christmas breakfast when he tried to pressure me to hear the NEW YOUNG PASTOR . ..... Does he still preach young earth well then he has nothing I need to hear as he is flawed from the git go.




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Before you respond you might want to read the following.




Understand what young earth and ID is really about. Its about forcing children in PUBLIC SCHOOLS to believe in 1 religion it has nothing to do with science but control.




is a service conducted in a number of Christian churches to celebrate Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. The Sunday chosen is the closest Sunday to Darwin's birthday, 12 February.[1] There are 4 main goals to "Evolution Sunday", according to founder Michael Zimmerman:


To demonstrate that religion and modern science are compatible

To reach out to thousands of parishioners across the country

To elevate the national dialogue on the topic of religion and evolution

To increase the awareness of










NOT ALL CHRISTIANS BELIEVE THIS WAY . The ones that do just feel its there DUTY to impose there beliefs uppon all.

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