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Ya, they sure don't like Ron Paul. :rolleyes:




It makes sense, a country thats $9 trillion in debt should keep giving money to another country.


I am impressed you just found two websites by the Jews endorsing Paul. Congrats! Now use your head and think a little. Neither one of the site represent the ADL or any of the other big money Jewish lobby groups. BTW, READ YOUR OWN LINKS BEFORE POSTING.

The Republican Jewish Coalition has decided to exclude Dr. Paul from their debate on October 16 in Washington, D.C. They have excluded Dr. Paul simply because of his views on foreign policy. This is unacceptable for an organization that purports to represent Jewish Republicans. We encourage you to contact the RJC (link to: http://www.rjchq.org/ContactUS.asp) and tell them what you think of their decision.


Additionally, there is anti-Semitism that has skyrocketed recently in the U.S., according to a 2004 study by the Christian Science Monitor and a 2002 study by the Anti-Defamation League. We believe that many well-intentioned organizations, such as the ADL and AIPAC, fuel negative perceptions about Jews by lobbying the U.S. government to support Israel and by divesting U.S. taxpayer dollars to Israel without consent of American taxpayers. Israel would still exist as a vibrant nation without U.S. funding.

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I am impressed you just found two websites by the Jews endorsing Paul. Congrats! Now use your head and think a little. Neither one of the site represent the ADL or any of the other big money Jewish lobby groups. BTW, READ YOUR OWN LINKS BEFORE POSTING.


Right, I forgot if you are not part of the ADL you should not have a say, especially if you are jewish. ADL speaks for all jews I guess. :rolleyes:


Or maybe you should have lots of money to have an opinion, since we know all rich people aren't corrupt. :rolleyes:


If you honestly think that by not continually giving money to Israel that, that in itself is anti-semetic, well you're dumb.


Nice of you not to put in the precursor to your quote.


Question: Why does Jews for Ron Paul exist?


Answer: There is a perception among average Americans that Jews are not Republicans. Dr. Ron Paul has a significant following among Jewish voters, and this group exists to introduce Ron Paul to Jewish communities across the country. Dr. Paul is the only choice for Jews interested in the rule of law, restricted Executive powers, separation of powers, checks and balances, the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution.

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Right, I forgot if you are not part of the ADL you should not have a say, especially if you are jewish. ADL speaks for all jews I guess. :rolleyes:


Or maybe you should have lots of money to have an opinion, since we know all rich people aren't corrupt. :rolleyes:


If you honestly think that by not continually giving money to Israel that, that in itself is anti-semetic, well you're dumb.


Nice of you not to put in the precursor to your quote.


The only time you come out of the wood work is when I post. I am starting to think your an e-stalker.


In this thread I have not said if we should or should not give money to Israel. IMHO we should continue to support Israel. At the same time we need to be prepared for the backlash that comes with that. Those that call for an end to the support of Israel are often pursued buy the ADL and AIPAC and labeled "anti-Semitic" or "supporters of terror". The Jewish lobby has a huge influence in America.

If you don't think that the Jewish lobby holds a big stick here is an example:


Richard Perle


One of Bush's foreign policy advisors, he is the chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board.


Paul Wolfowitz


Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's Defense Policy Board, in the Pentagon.


Douglas Feith


Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the Pentagon.


Henry Kissinger


One of many Pentagon Advisors, Kissinger sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle.



Dov Zakheim


Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Department of Defense.


Kenneth Adelman


One of many Pentagon Advisors, Adelman also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle



I. Lewis Libby


Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff.



Robert Satloff


U.S. National Security Council Advisor.


Elliott Abrams


National Security Council Advisor.



Marc Grossman


Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.



Richard Haass


Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at large.



Robert Zoellick


U.S. Trade Representative, a cabinet-level position.



Ari Fleischer


Was the Official White House Spokesman for the Bush (Jr) Administration.



James Schlesinger


One of many Pentagon advisor's, Schlesinger also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle.



David Frum


White House speech writer behind the "Axis of Evil" label.


John Bolton


Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. Former UN ambassador.



Michael Chertoff


Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, at the Justice Department.



And More.


Now it does seem a little strange the Jewish population is relatively small in America. Yet they occupy a large portion the the cabinet level and high authority positions in the White house.


I am not saying this is good or bad I am just putting the information out there, you decide.





The ADL and the AIPAC don't speak for all Jews, they speak for the ones that have money. In the political arena money talks.

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The only time you come out of the wood work is when I post. I am starting to think your an e-stalker.


Right, since I've only debated you in one other topic nearly 7 months ago. You aren't that special. :rolleyes:


Not to mention I've been on this board years longer than you and am more of a lurker than poster.


IMHO we should continue to support Israel.


We can't afford to support them, or any country. We have too many financial problems here.


The ADL and the AIPAC don't speak for all Jews, they speak for the ones that have money. In the political arena money talks.


Yes money talks, but money doesn't = majority. Although, Ron Paul pulled in about $20 million in the 4th quarter from ten's of thousands of people, not rich coporations or groups.


How much has Thompson made? I can't seem to find any numbers.

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Right, since I've only debated you in one other topic nearly 7 months ago. You aren't that special. :rolleyes:


Not to mention I've been on this board years longer than you and am more of a lurker than poster.


great... I will give you a cookie

We can't afford to support them, or any country. We have too many financial problems here.


See , it feels good to agree with me!


Yes money talks, but money doesn't = majority. Although, Ron Paul pulled in about $20 million in the 4th quarter from ten's of thousands of people, not rich coporations or groups.


How much has Thompson made? I can't seem to find any numbers.

Like Anthony said, it does not matter how much he has raised. The votes for him is what get the job done.

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Have you once seen me post an endorsement for Huckabee... Nope.

Look at my sig you fool. :lol:







If people like you laugh at me go right ahead. The last people I want to impress are your generation. Go smoke some more pot and contribute little as possible to society, we will be better off.





:funny: Columbus Metro library has the bible in the Non-fiction section... look it up! :nutkick:



Sorry about you luck play again in the next thread. :D




Contribute less to society? I feed 500 people a day, I'd say that fulfilling one of the needs essential to life is contributing just as much as somebody who cracks backs for a living. What else do you bring to the table? Sweeping generalizations, stereotyping, and the incessant need to control the way other people live? Thanks man... Thats awesome.

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Contribute less to society? I feed 500 people a day, I'd say that fulfilling one of the needs essential to life is contributing just as much as somebody who cracks backs for a living. What else do you bring to the table? Sweeping generalizations, stereotyping, and the incessant need to control the way other people live? Thanks man... Thats awesome.

Do you have anything new to say? You sound like a broken record!

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In the political arena money talks.


Like Anthony said, it does not matter how much he has raised. The votes for him is what get the job done.


Ok, so which one is it? If your guy doesn't raise as much money, only votes count?


For Q4 Paul pulled in $20 million and broke two single day records. Unless Thompson tripled his Q3 intake, "his political arena" isn't talking much.


We can't afford to support them, or any country. We have too many financial problems here.

See , it feels good to agree with me!


In this thread I have not said if we should or should not give money to Israel. IMHO we should continue to support Israel.


Uh, which one is it?

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Supporting other countries is an investment, not aid. It should be looked at as such - there are real dividends to the overseas monies we spend.


With that said I'm still for cutting off money to Israel - they don't need it. Its like giving your rich cousin Vinnie a loan. Why? We could spend that money so much better elsewhere. I'm looking at you, South America....


The only reason we have "so many financial problems" here is because of idiots buying homes that couldn't afford them and the greasebag real estate industry that loaned them the money to do so. I don't really see how the Democrats, Republicans, or the administration's jews factor into any of that. Let both groups (idiot homebuyers and greedy lenders) go down in flames. We'll be fine.


*I think back with humor on the homebuying arguements I had with some of the **** in here a year or two ago* ...ah the joy.

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Ok, so which one is it? If your guy doesn't raise as much money, only votes count?


For Q4 Paul pulled in $20 million and broke two single day records. Unless Thompson tripled his Q3 intake, "his political arena" isn't talking much.


Both count but if you cant get then to the polls then you could rais ton of money and it wont matter.



Uh, which one is it?

So sorry for not exploring every single angle of a very complex issue. Israel can have support of the US with out direct monetary contributions. They can have support in the form of purchasing weapons and food. They could have political support. But neither on of those should cost our nation money. Infact it should be a financial gain for us. "support has many different meanings that just dollar bills.

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The only reason we have "so many financial problems" here is because of idiots buying homes that couldn't afford them and the greasebag real estate industry that loaned them the money to do so. I don't really see how the Democrats, Republicans, or the administration's jews factor into any of that. Let both groups (idiot homebuyers and greedy lenders) go down in flames. We'll be fine.


The Federal reserve will not let that happen. They will set up a bail system that will restructure debt for the bank so interest payment on the money will continue. Look back at history, this is what always happens (to large banks). Bank get into trouble because of our fractional reserve system them the Fed rushes in to save the day by printing more money to loan then the citizens get stuck with the bill in the form of inflation.

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Thats all you got?



You are a sad, sorry old man. Wasn't even worth it to get on here to check this thread.

You have the same rhetoric eveyday. It is so predicatable. It seems your vocabulary is restricted to:


1. "Your closed minded"

2. "You hate people"

3. "You need to control other lives"

4. "You generalize"


When you come up with a new line that is not out of the moveon.org play book I will say a little more. Until then, replace the pot with LSD it will open your mind even more than it is now.




I though McDonalds served more than 500 people in a day. Good for you anyhow.

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You have the same rhetoric eveyday. It is so predicatable. It seems your vocabulary is restricted to:


1. "Your closed minded"

2. "You hate people"

3. "You need to control other lives"

4. "You generalize"


When you come up with a new line that is not out of the moveon.org play book I will say a little more. Until then, replace the pot with LSD it will open your mind even more than it is now.




I though McDonalds served more than 500 people in a day. Good for you anyhow.



Unlike you, I dont just make shit up to support my arguments, so if you're going to continue to be a thick-headed curmudgeon that thinks it's his calling to dictate how others live, you're going to continue to get called out for it. Ignoring a problem doesnt make it go away.


I havent ever tripped in my life, and dont plan to. Thanks for the scrip though, Doc!


BTW, The restaurant that I work for uses all organically raised meat, while the McDonalds you take your poor kids to pumps them full of chemicals and cow anus... Who is laughing now?

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