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OSU vs. LSU: Antionio Henton wrinkle?


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Sounds pretty interesting. I just hope he doesn't stop to solicit the D-line on his way to the end zone.


All joking aside, this is the smartest move regardless of how realistic it is.

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Rumor has it Henton is going to be the backup QB, and they're going to use him just like LSU will use perilloux or however the heck you spell it. And schoenhoft is playing tight end on the scout team and may even make the switch completely. He's 6'5+ 240+, quick, and supposedly has good hands, why not?

Also fewer QBs going for the job is a little more enticing for that boy pryor who supposedly is so good

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That is crap. I'd have to hear the entire story though.


The story is that OSU chose not to practice in there as it is too easy for anyone to get in the facility. supposedly.


Also, Bollman stated that Henton, being slotted as the backup, is just that, he is the backup.


"Is it a plan to put him in in the third series or something like that? I don't foresee it," said Bollman.


"Could he be in in the second series, yeah, but do I foresee it, no, that's not part of the plan.


"There's not a rotational plan going in or anything like that. If he's needed, everyone is one play away from going into the football game," said Bollman,



if they are going to use him? Who knows

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