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On veterans level who is able to pass the tv room. As soon as I get to the room I ran all the way down to the right. Unloaded a whole clip then tossed every gernade I had and still can get by it. Seems like there are infinite bad guys. I dunno, do I need to go through that door to get to the next check point where all the bad guys are coming out. If so I will just make a b for that door.
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you all suck...


I made it through by going straight in and making my way through the offices that are on the opposite side of the room from the entrance. you just have to figure out what events are triggered by stepping into what areas. It's a cake walk.


Go on.........

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Takes a bit of work but I've beat it on veteran by taking the right when you enter and hanging out in the blocked off hallways. When grenades come in get down to the next blocked off hallway. Just pick guys off and watch the grenades. I've got 900 out of a possible 1000 pts. There is no way to beat the hijacked Airplane map on veteran and if you have, you ROCK!
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you all suck...


I made it through by going straight in and making my way through the offices that are on the opposite side of the room from the entrance. you just have to figure out what events are triggered by stepping into what areas. It's a cake walk.





Trigger the first set of guys from the left side office( two will run out the door as soon as you get to the last cubicle) and dispatch them until you move forward. I'd stay iside thos offices until they are all dead and the slowly proceed to the door you need to get upstairs.

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