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Oklahoma ticketing people who drive slow in the left lane!


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coming from the guy who knows nothing about driving a truck and shows it. And if you are following close enough to get hit by rocks from a trailer, you are tailgating. I don't like having to follow behind a semi in the left lane but if you think that cars are more wronged by trucks than vice versa, you don't know too much of drivers on the road then.


I've driven plenty of times with a 26' U-Haul attached to a full-sized car hauler with a car on it, cross-country. It also happens I know a few truck drivers (like the guy who did both of my gear swaps) and my dad's best friend is a coast-to-coast hauler.


I drive more than you ever will, and these guys are fucking pricks. The rocks comment was aimed when they swing their fucking rig and trailer over within feet of my car, often without a signal, and spray rocks on me in the process.


Re-read my post, I said these dicks are wronged as well, but take more responsibility because of the size and mass of their vehicles and they can't drive them around like they own the road in a regular car.

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Anthony, I can understand your frustration in situations. I have a class A CDL and know what it's like to be behind the wheel of a truck and trust me they get no respect from cars. Yes there are situations where they get aggressive and do the wrong thing but put yourself in their seat......Your in an unfamiliar town and unsure of how the upcoming exit will be, wether you have to cross 3 extra lanes of traffic or not, sometimes they have to make quick moves.


As for being out in the left lane, if it's only 2 lanes they do make passes and it's going to happen. If it's 3 lanes wide or more then they have no business being in the far left lane(many states have laws that don't allow trucks in that far left lane).


Indiana amongst other states now have a single speed limit for cars and trucks and it has proven to make traffic congestion around trucks easier, only a handful of states like Ohio and Michigan have different limits with Michigan being the worst with cars at 70mph and trucks 55mph!!

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hey ant i to am a proud class a cdl dick head. so what are you driving again these days? i work this city daily (as does ben) and daily i deal with the retarted FUCKS in 4 wheelers. i spend alot of time in the left lane wanna know why? its because assholes in there cars cant merge, cant do the speed limit, use there signals, etc. and i try to run at least 65. hell a month ago i had someone merge into my trailer tires, how in the fuck do you not see the fucking tires!!!!!!


i am going to offer this to any one of you truck haters come ride with me for just one day and i will bet your views will be totally changed.

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Semi truck drivesr can be cool. I found that if I let them in front of me to pass (slow down if they have their blinker on, flash my lights, etc) they almost always haul ass around the other trucker they're passing. This is in Indiana though. People in Ohio are just stupid.



thank you for being one of the few good drivers out there. btw i love driving indiana nothing better than doing 70-75mph without worrie.

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Merging is a big thing with a lot of drivers, it costs them a lot of fuel having to constantly speed up and slow down with merging traffic and people have a habit of pulling right beside a truck expecting them to move over when the car has the yield sign and it is very dangerous to be in that situation especially because it takes place on a truckers blind side.


While there are some bad truck drivers out there some of the laws don't help and we need to remember that without those truckers our country would come to a halt very quickly as they deliver virtually everything we need and use.


Rolla, I'm no longer driving for that company, my truck was becoming unreliable(and the owner couldn't afford to fix it) and I had serious concerns regarding the business I was working for, so I had to get out.

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I drive in the far right lane on 71 more than any other. It appears to me that that is the new passing lane. Ohio drivers are the worst I have ever seen about left lane drivers. I saw on the history channel on a show about the autobahn that they have a saying "drive right" It means unless your actually passing someone that you better be driving in the right lane!



so true! in the past month of driving ive seen people do some stupid chit.

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While there are some bad truck drivers out there some of the laws don't help and we need to remember that without those truckers our country would come to a halt very quickly as they deliver virtually everything we need and use.



I think you've got the wool pulled over your eyes.



Railroads still hull *more product than semi's. Railroads even hull semi trailors, either in the form of road railers, piggy back, flat cars or various forms of intermodal transportation.


*on top of using semi equipment to transport things over the railroad, railroads also deliver millions of tons a year of items that are not feasibly transported by semi, such as coal, gravel, wood, scrap metals, oil (fuel) etc etc

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hey so how does the freight get from the railroad yards to your local walmart, shit i forgot that there is rail service to every retail store in the country.


you need to pull the wool off your head. the rr does not deliver anything, it is there only as a means of mass transport just as the ships do. everything they move in masses is then moved by TRUCK (big and small). such as coal gravel wood steel gas etc etc. think about it how do the hamburger patties get to the burger king they dont have a rr car pulling up and kicking off 10 cases of burgers. you are not getting your pepsi delivered to the grocery store by rail. your ups isnt being delivered by rail to your house now is it. the railroad does not do everything trust me, ben and i both worked very close to the rail industry. like ben said without trucks this nation would stop and stop FAST.


my point is that the railroad is a nessasary means of mass transportation. semi trucks are a nessasary means of distributation. box trucks are a nessasary means of delivery. but one thing you forget or may not know the railroad costs taxpayers money they are federaly (sp) backed to where trucks are not.

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Well West Virginia for one has a speed limit of 70mph for all vehicles including large trucks.


Also having the slower traffic drive in the right lane still does not permit you to drive 72 in a 65. I say we need extremes. Either put up cameras/speed sensors so that anyone above 65 gets a fine or move the speed limit to something like 100 and just fine people who wreck.

Further more a lot of the highway system around Columbus is designed for people to remain in the left lanes to keep clear of the merging traffic from ramps on the right. I drive 700 miles or so per week around this city and the only people I ever see holding up traffic and causing wrecks are the asshats who drive 55 in the right lanes. They get in the way of people merging in the right and people merging from the left. Then they get all nervous and start slowing down and I even see them panic at least a few times per week. God we need better driver training.

I'm one of the 4 wheelers, but I drive as much as a local hauler so I keep out of their way and help them get to their lanes quite a bit out on the roads. People don't seem to understand what a 70,000lb truck can do to them around here. I've seen tires blow off and pwn cars that decided to just ride beside the trailer for 20miles:-)



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I do have to say that Ohio drivers suck. Fortunately everyone (or at least most) on here is an exclusion...


5 years of living in myrtle beach and you notice that all of the OH plates are causing problems... at least when you're in Ohio most everyone is driving the same, so you know what to expect from them!

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