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Earned income tax credit :mad:

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Grow up? Start making good money? Do you know anything about me or my finances? I didn't think so. Just keep going with that judgemental attitude, it's gettin ya REAL far.

you are 20.... come talk to me in a few years

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Guest jmw_LS2
Figures that someone as ignorant as yourself would spout out such an idiotic comment. I may only be 20, but you have no idea about my finances or my experiences in life. My best advice to you is keep your mouth shut unless you can strike a valid point.
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Figures that someone as ignorant as yourself would spout out such an idiotic comment. I may only be 20, but you have no idea about my finances or my experiences in life. My best advice to you is keep your mouth shut unless you can strike a valid point.

Life experience at 20 :rolleyes: beer... school... little responsibility. You forget I was 20 once too, I know all about it. As for you, newbs should keep their mouths shut. :D

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Guest jmw_LS2
School? I was done with that when I was 18. Actually, I have owned a glass company for quite a while now. I have more responsibility below me than most grown men will ever have. Get off my ass until you walk a day in my boots.
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School? I was done with that when I was 18. Actually, I have owned a glass company for quite a while now. I have more responsibility below me than most grown men will ever have. Get off my ass until you walk a day in my boots.

Wow. Two years in business.... I am impressed! :rolleyes:

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Guest jmw_LS2
I don't care if you are impressed or not. You contribute zero to my bank account so I couldn't give a good gooses ass less what you think. The moral of this story is; you shouldn't shoot off at the mouth about things you have ZERO idea about.
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I don't care if you are impressed or not. You contribute zero to my bank account so I couldn't give a good gooses ass less what you think. The moral of this story is; you shouldn't shoot off at the mouth about things you have ZERO idea about.

blah blah blah.....




Did you start shaving yet?

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What I'm trying to figure out if Rick had the day off or had no patients since he seems to be on top of replies :eek:

Actually busy today....



I schedule people in blocks that way I have a down time for paper work or the internet. :D


For example:


8:30 to 9:00---- 10 people

9-10----- New patients/paper work/internets

10-12---- 20 patients

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Guest jmw_LS2
So, now that you have no logical points of attack you just wanna play the age card? That would be awesome, if I were at the same point in my life as the average 20 year old. I'm not trying to turn this into a pissing contest with you, just trying to help you realize that your thoughts are irrational, and your ideas are absurd. Bet that isn't good on your big ego, especially comming from a young 20 year old punk, huh?
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So, now that you have no logical points of attack you just wanna play the age card? That would be awesome, if I were at the same point in my life as the average 20 year old. I'm not trying to turn this into a pissing contest with you, just trying to help you realize that your thoughts are irrational, and your ideas are absurd. Bet that isn't good on your big ego, especially comming from a young 20 year old punk, huh?

I am just pointing out that you are young and your views will most likely change as you age. When I was 20 I though much the same way as many on this board. Age will shape your views.

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Guest jmw_LS2
I can respect that. That's all you had to say. I guess time will tell. I was just offended that you were judging me based on my age. When you work as hard as I do to avoid being "just another 20 year old" and have that tossed at ya, it kinda pisses you off.
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I can respect that. That's all you had to say. I guess time will tell. I was just offended that you were judging me based on my age. When you work as hard as I do to avoid being "just another 20 year old" and have that tossed at ya, it kinda pisses you off.

I understand that, I had a hard time when I graduated from Chiro school I was 25. People did not take me seriously for awhile.

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How old are you now? It says 34 under you avatar. Shouldn't you be on SSI or some shit by now, ya old bastard? lol

I just ot my double hip replacment last week. The prostate goes down hill after 30.j/k

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I stand behind Dr Rick 100% on this issue. I'm sure you will too in a few years once you start realizing how much money is being taken from your glass factory to pay people that don't even work for you.


Seems like some of you don't understand personal responsibility. I don't care what situation some one is in or how bad their luck has been the government is not the entity that should be supporting them. The "NEW DEAL" era should be long gone, but to many people have grown up living under it that its become a social class. Very hard to take away from the people who have "learned" to depend on it.



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Nothing like tax time to start all of the SOB stories. I am going to come out and say something that might offend some people. If it offends you then you should take a deep breathe and really think about what I said again. If I am wrong then so be it. Cliff notes at the bottom.











Your problems are not my problems unless we are related by blood/marriage, and I honestly like you. Please do not confuse the word "like" with "love" because they mean 2 different things.


You should not have kids unless you can take care of yourself financially without any help from anyone else.



When I say financially I mean you are stable enough to afford...

1) housing of some sort, repair on said housing

2) all utilities

3) all personal bills you may or may not have

4) funding for a car and regular maintenance

5) money for insurance of every sort

6) and have extra money in case something out of your control happens. Example you lose your job, or your significant other dies in an accident.


If you really want to go to college to invest in yourself please do it, AND complete it before you even think about having kids.


If you say to yourself my bf, gf, fiance, husband, wife, etc makes enough money to cover us both DON'T HAVE KIDS.


If you are not fixed and you can not afford 1-6 then DON'T HAVE SEX. Only exception to this would be if both of you agreed on having an abortion and/or adoption if your safe sex practicing happened to fail (IT HAPPENS DUMBASSES).




There are problems to my logic above. Being rapped would throw a curveball. If you happen to feel abortion is wrong because of X,Y,Z then you should give the child up for adoption. You are not going to go to hell for giving up a kid that you can not afford to take care of. There is a HUGE fucking difference between being able to "afford" a child and taking care of a child. Affording a child takes much more then money.


Sorry for ranting but anymore I am so upset with people either tell myself or my fiance "BUT BUT BUT Why are you not having kids? You should! Everything changes when you have kids BLAH BLAH BLAH". No you dumbass we don't "NEED" to have a kid together. Just because Brittney is a female does not mean she needs to pop out a kid in her lifetime. I can't afford a new 2008 car off the lot right now. What makes you think I can afford having a child? More people in this country need to stop living above their means. It also helps to plan ahead. My plan is steps 1-6. Yours maybe different.



Cliff notes:


*) STFU about how X can not afford their kid now because Y happened. They should of thought about this before they had sex. X not planning ahead is not my problem

*) You shouldn't feel so bad about abortion. If you do feel bad about it then adoption should be your first choice.

*) Getting a vasectomy in this country is too fucking hard. I shouldn't have to take action lessons to explain to the doctor " I don't NEED to have a biological kid in my life time".

*) Get a job you lazy bum. Better yet get 2 jobs so you can afford making ends meet.

*) FINISH COLLEGE before you even think about having kids.

*) Don't have kids unless you are willing to sacrifice all the money you make for the rest of your life.


I can't think of anything else right now to say. Maybe later I will think of more. ;) :burn:

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Dr. Rick havin issues with someone!




That is a lot of patients your have! Good for you!


Got a "cure" for any of them yet? Or will many of them keep coming back for "treatments"???







Off topic again? I would never expect that out of you. :rolleyes:

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Nothing like tax time to start all of the SOB stories. I am going to come out and say something that might offend some people. If it offends you then you should take a deep breathe and really think about what I said again. If I am wrong then so be it. Cliff notes at the bottom.











Your problems are not my problems unless we are related by blood/marriage, and I honestly like you. Please do not confuse the word "like" with "love" because they mean 2 different things.


You should not have kids unless you can take care of yourself financially without any help from anyone else.



When I say financially I mean you are stable enough to afford...

1) housing of some sort, repair on said housing

2) all utilities

3) all personal bills you may or may not have

4) funding for a car and regular maintenance

5) money for insurance of every sort

6) and have extra money in case something out of your control happens. Example you lose your job, or your significant other dies in an accident.


If you really want to go to college to invest in yourself please do it, AND complete it before you even think about having kids.


If you say to yourself my bf, gf, fiance, husband, wife, etc makes enough money to cover us both DON'T HAVE KIDS.


If you are not fixed and you can not afford 1-6 then DON'T HAVE SEX. Only exception to this would be if both of you agreed on having an abortion and/or adoption if your safe sex practicing happened to fail (IT HAPPENS DUMBASSES).




There are problems to my logic above. Being rapped would throw a curveball. If you happen to feel abortion is wrong because of X,Y,Z then you should give the child up for adoption. You are not going to go to hell for giving up a kid that you can not afford to take care of. There is a HUGE fucking difference between being able to "afford" a child and taking care of a child. Affording a child takes much more then money.


Sorry for ranting but anymore I am so upset with people either tell myself or my fiance "BUT BUT BUT Why are you not having kids? You should! Everything changes when you have kids BLAH BLAH BLAH". No you dumbass we don't "NEED" to have a kid together. Just because Brittney is a female does not mean she needs to pop out a kid in her lifetime. I can't afford a new 2008 car off the lot right now. What makes you think I can afford having a child? More people in this country need to stop living above their means. It also helps to plan ahead. My plan is steps 1-6. Yours maybe different.



Cliff notes:


*) STFU about how X can not afford their kid now because Y happened. They should of thought about this before they had sex. X not planning ahead is not my problem

*) You shouldn't feel so bad about abortion. If you do feel bad about it then adoption should be your first choice.

*) Getting a vasectomy in this country is too fucking hard. I shouldn't have to take action lessons to explain to the doctor " I don't NEED to have a biological kid in my life time".

*) Get a job you lazy bum. Better yet get 2 jobs so you can afford making ends meet.

*) FINISH COLLEGE before you even think about having kids.

*) Don't have kids unless you are willing to sacrifice all the money you make for the rest of your life.


I can't think of anything else right now to say. Maybe later I will think of more. ;) :burn:


I agree, except for the abortion part.

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