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Movie: Saw 1-4 (possible oblique spoilers)


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Ok, another movie(s) that I put off. I'm not a horror fan, so I didn't immediately jump on Saw. But what I saw in the previews intrigued me a bit. When a friend brought the movies up in conversation, I remarked that it looked like a mouse maze type movie and he agreed, so I decided to finally check them out. I picked up Saw 1 last night and watched it. It was really good. I spent the movie trying to figure out how they could possibly get out of the situation.


Today, I picked up, and watched, 2-4. Very good. The whole series is very well thought out. Every time I thought there was a loose end, it was tied up. I'm very impressed with the backstory and forethought. 4 was a real trip. The ending threw me for a loop and I had to watch the beginning again, which completely surprised me anew..


Can't wait for Saw 5. I can't think of many movies franchises where I'd want to see the FIFTH movie.

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I think that they went overboard after saw 3, but I still liked 4.

This one impressed me actually.

SPOILERS, highlight to see.


Throughout the movie I thought Amanda was getting away with breaking the rules to the game. It kind of upset me because I liked the whole game concept and thought they were turnign Saw into a run of the mill slasher flick. But he knew and was testing her. I like it when loose ends like this are tied up.---

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