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It is called a theory only because of continued and strenuous objections from pseudo-scientific religiously-funded organizations. It has long been accepted as scientific law by all credible institutions.

It has been observed, documented, and tested. Not one study conducted obeying accepted scientific method has ever concluded that evolution is disprovable. The results of evolution are indeed observable. Changes in physiology have been observed over only a few generations in creatures that breed rapidly.


On the other hand, no study conducted obeying accepted scientific method has ever concluded that "intelligent design" is possible or even plausible.

Support for intelligent design comes solely from the philosophical and theological arenas, precisely because the scientific world has already examined it, disproved it, and discarded it.



BTW, fruit flies have evolved the way they have because it makes sense for them. Breed like crazy while food is available, then lay eggs that can survive until the conditions are right for more food to be around. What happens to the individual fly after that is beside the point. Evolution chooses for the species, not the individual.

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BTW, fruit flies have evolved the way they have because it makes sense for them. Breed like crazy while food is available, then lay eggs that can survive until the conditions are right for more food to be around. What happens to the individual fly after that is beside the point. Evolution chooses for the species, not the individual.


I guess I should have followed with "j/k,!LOL! ROFL!" :)


I don't get how people say the bible and creation are ridiculous because someone said it but evolution is fact because....someone said it.


I wonder if the earth is still alive and kickin' 2000 years from now if someone won't call "Darwinism" a crazy mythical improbability because all those people that proved evolution just wrote a book and it wasn't all concocted by Darwin himself in the blink of an eye.


My thought is, and let me preface once again that this is my own personal though and I am in no way condemning anyone elses thoughts or beliefs, that if God is omnipotent why can't he create creatures to change as needed. Ergo ipso facto God had planned on "evolution" occurring the whole time?

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I guess I should have followed with "j/k,!LOL! ROFL!" :)


I don't get how people say the bible and creation are ridiculous because someone said it but evolution is fact because....someone said it.


I wonder if the earth is still alive and kickin' 2000 years from now if someone won't call "Darwinism" a crazy mythical improbability because all those people that proved evolution just wrote a book and it wasn't all concocted by Darwin himself in the blink of an eye.


My thought is, and let me preface once again that this is my own personal though and I am in no way condemning anyone elses thoughts or beliefs, that if God is omnipotent why can't he create creatures to change as needed. Ergo ipso facto God had planned on "evolution" occurring the whole time?



This is silly. The Christian God's ideas ( the bible ) reflect that of Adam and Eve - Ergo ipso facto side-stepping evolution altogether, and inserting people with no prior link.


Edit: discussions like this on the internet are wastes of time, and serve only to offend people :( imho.

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