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LOL hurting someone LOL


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sorry, I could of went into more detail! lol but I would of used somthing else If I had it all planned out or somthing, but the hammer was sitting right on the table.



I would have probably used a bullet.

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screw the weapon....


quietly out flank him.. and level him and beat the piss out of him till the cops come.... then jsut say u confronted him... he hit u first.... hes gng to be looked on as guilty n e ways. hes was breaking into you fucking car./

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I would have probably used a bullet.


you know I hate scum bag theif's too but im not trying to kill someone...............and v8kilr I am so surprized that he got up , only if I had video and good sound on what it sounded like, you should of herd this grown man scream , im serious after everything was said and done, we went back inside and my girlfriends father could only say " holy shit" he told me , that it happend so fast, and did not realize what happed till after the fact. He called me this morning cracking up about this for another 2 minutes.

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you know I hate scum bag theif's too but im not trying to kill someone...............and v8kilr I am so surprized that he got up , only if I had video and good sound on what it sounded like, you should of herd this grown man scream , im serious after everything was said and done, we went back inside and my girlfriends father could only say " holy shit" he told me , that it happend so fast, and did not realize what happed till after the fact. He called me this morning cracking up about this for another 2 minutes.

I would have paid BIG money to see that live!!!! :lol:

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screw the weapon....


quietly out flank him.. and level him and beat the piss out of him till the cops come.... then jsut say u confronted him... he hit u first.... hes gng to be looked on as guilty n e ways. hes was breaking into you fucking car./



You know if I had this all planned out I would of did somthing different also, this just happend so fast this is what I came up with.


1. run



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I would have probably used a bullet.


Had he been getting car jacked, that would be a 'good shoot'. Unfortunately, he wasn't, it was just getting broke into. You have to avoid firing your weapon until you feel your life is in danger and you can prove/justify deadly force.



All things aside, I'd have shot his knee out, then told the Cop he started to rush me when I approached him.

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lol Awesome. And not to make you paranoid, but you should be aware that there may be repurcussions; either to you or more likely your property. Chances are they'll never come back, though. Whenever I've been suspicious about my car, my weapon I go out with is my dog. ;)
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lol @ the hammer... honestly, if you were seriously trying to confront this guy, you would have def.


A) not have said a word and just walked up the street casually or flank him, then proceed to beat the fuck outta him


instead, you walk up to him, let him know its ur car and ask him what he's doing.

Then proceed to do the hail mary luckiest throw of the world in hammer throwing and somehow hit him square in the head.

I understand you were caught off guard and what not. hence the reason why you didn't really catch him. But that's pretty funny how his ass got dropped by a hammer. I would love to hear him tell that story to his bro's the next day

bros- yo son, whats up w/ dat bump on yo head??

thief- aw shit son, Me and leroy was tryin to break in dis car right, and some white folks started to roll up our way right. So leroy bounced in da hooptie leavin my ass behind. they roll up sayin shit as i'm runnin down da street. then as i'm runnin da damn white boy threw a hamma and hit me in the back of my skull yo.

bros- daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum. u got pwnd son.

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bros- yo son, whats up w/ dat bump on yo head??

thief- aw shit son, Me and leroy was tryin to break in dis car right, and some white folks started to roll up our way right. So leroy bounced in da hooptie leavin my ass behind. they roll up sayin shit as i'm runnin down da street. then as i'm runnin da damn white boy threw a hamma and hit me in the back of my skull yo.

bros- daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum. u got pwnd son.


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lol Awesome. And not to make you paranoid, but you should be aware that there may be repurcussions; either to you or more likely your property. Chances are they'll never come back, though. Whenever I've been suspicious about my car, my weapon I go out with is my dog. ;)



Yeah I have already talked about this with my father, good thing is the only property they know is mine is the car, They do not know which appt is her's, unless they have been watching or know us maybe. I am more worried for my girlfriend then me, she has to live there , I do not. She is all pissed off about what happen last night, saying its going to be my fault if people keep coming back to mess with us. I told her im tired of fucking assholes trying to take mystuff.........anyways Today I left my pistol over at her house just incase somthing was to happen, she has somthing to protect herself, Good thing this past summer I showed her how to operate it.

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lol @ the hammer... honestly, if you were seriously trying to confront this guy, you would have def.


A) not have said a word and just walked up the street casually or flank him, then proceed to beat the fuck outta him


instead, you walk up to him, let him know its ur car and ask him what he's doing.

Then proceed to do the hail mary luckiest throw of the world in hammer throwing and somehow hit him square in the head.

I understand you were caught off guard and what not. hence the reason why you didn't really catch him. But that's pretty funny how his ass got dropped by a hammer. I would love to hear him tell that story to his bro's the next day

bros- yo son, whats up w/ dat bump on yo head??

thief- aw shit son, Me and leroy was tryin to break in dis car right, and some white folks started to roll up our way right. So leroy bounced in da hooptie leavin my ass behind. they roll up sayin shit as i'm runnin down da street. then as i'm runnin da damn white boy threw a hamma and hit me in the back of my skull yo.

bros- daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum. u got pwnd son.


I was def not trying to confront him, not knowing how many people in the car was with him. and having a 60 year old guy that can not fight with me. If I had a few of my friends with me it would of def been much different, im a big boy and can handle my own, but im not trying to go get into a fight with one guy and then get my ass stomped in by 2-3 guys that run out of the mustang and get hurt. 99.999% he prolly is the biggest pussy and same for the loser that was driving that mustang, but what if not? what if he even had a knife on him or there was 2-3 other guys in the car that was not some little bitch and have hurt people before and robbed them? you can ask the guys from marysville on here, in the past months there was been 3-4 for major robberys for our little town in here, one with the lady getting her shit pistol whipped to the ground, im not trying to get really hurt over maybe a cd player or somthing they wanted in my eclipse. I knew for a fact that if I let my self known he was going to run like a little bitch, but thats what I wanted.......It just happend to work out to my advantage that the driver had nerves of a hamster and got so scared he bailed on his buddy. It was just my luck that night that the hammer was going to fly in my favor and crack this douche bag in the back of the head. ..........I mean more power to you if you have the balls to sneak up on a theif with a car of unknown persons waiting on him, you have more ballls then I do.........If i knew he had no weapons, and had a friend with me to help me out , I could of went to town on him, but I think that hammer hit him pretty damn good.

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