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Voyager or SMT5800 phone

Big A

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Well now verizon says I can upgrade for the 3rd time, so I'll try it again. Anyone have either the voyager or smt5800? If so how do you like? Had any problems with them? Also how well they have held up? Hopefully all you guys that work for verizon will chime in and say what problems you have seen with them. Thanks
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I have a voyager and I like it, I don't have the internet on it as I have a BB for work and really have no need to have it on both phones. The touchscreen is nice and battery life is pretty good I talked for two hours with speaker phone last week and still had a bar left on the battery which I thought was pretty good. Its a big phone definitely not small so if you are looking for that then don't bother. Also it is NOT a smart phone do not compare it to a treo, BB, or other like phones.
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I've had two touchscreen break on me already. I got my first one the day after Thanksgiving. They are junk, plus they are pointless. You could get an enV and it's the same thing, just without the piece of crap touchscreen. It in no way compares to the iPhone. If you are able to upgrade, then you could probably get out of your contract and get an iPhone. I wish I could have instead of getting this phone, but we started a new two-year contract when I got my wife a new phone.
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