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The Real Obama

Guest Hal

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I still agree with how Lewis Black said, we take a monkey, some where in the U.S. in a cage, release him and the first person he goes to will be the new President. Or if we want to take care of terrorism, we start worshiping a dead president...those crazy bastards won't ever mess with us again cause they would think we are more crazy. Honestly though, I don't see anyone in the '08 election that is going to do any good in the ways we need. All of them seem to me that they have their own personal agenda. Clinton is just Clinton, still trying to ride on Billy's wave that he had, Obama seems sketchy to me, he could be good but like I said he could also have his own personal agenda and put us all in the shit. McCain is just to crazy for me, he is what like 105?!?! I am suprised that bastard isn't senile yet. Romney is out and Huckabee is out....I'm out, I am voting for myself.
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Jesus motherfucking Christ what an absolute fucking dumb-ass


zomg... thank you! now i see the light! i cant believe i actually thought all that was true, thanks for enlightening me with your never ending wisdom


i would offer a rebuttal but i have a life and im busy

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What's wrong with Ken Blackwell? I honestly have researched his background but he seems to be a conservative. He would have made a much better governor than Strickland.


I listened to Strickland's State of the State address. Wow, what a joke. More debt and government spending is exactly what we need. This after he laid off more government workers. He doesn't know what the hell he is doing.


I'm hoping for a third party candidate for president. The choices we have are completely unacceptable.


I actually already voted absentee in the primary. I know Ron Paul won't win the nomination, but at least I'm sending a message that McCain is a joke of a candidate.


There is nothing he can say now that will change my mind about his voting record. He is about as conservative as Senator Kennedy.

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