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The more and more i read on ID the more I think its the most retarded idea in the world. Lets teach students about Creationism thats a great idea. While were at it the tooth fairy turns you teath into candy corn for little children.



I figured i would stir the pot some.

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oh ID is a retarded idea?

ok thorne listen up;


first; which evolution do you believe in? there are 6 major ones but theyre different, bet you knew that. so which one do you believe in? or do you not know?


on the topic of retarded theories:


i believe that "in the beginning God..."


you believe that 'in the beginngin dirt...'


you also believe that everything in our huge galaxy came from a big bang which came from something the size of this period . and that came from nothing


along that line think of this, if you had a merry go round with kids on it and you pushed that thing to 100 miles an hour in the clockwise direction, the kids would soon fly off and THEY WILL BE SPINNING THROUGH THE AIR IN THE SAME CLOCKWISE DIRECTION, duh right? then explain why 2 and probably 3 of the planets rotate the opposite direction of the others, and why something like 5% of the moons of all planets rotate opposite of other moons in the same planetary orbit and opposite of the planet they orbit? yeah think about that one


and again along that line, which came first; time, space, or matter?


if time came first then where could you put it?

if space came first then when could you put it?

if matter came first then where could you put it?


sweet its starting to make sense to me


you also believe that the world is millions or billions of years old BUT; the magnetic field is losing its strength at a measurable amount per year, that means it used to be stronger, and when we multiply the percentage of strength lost per year X millions of years we get a force thats too strong to support life until just 10k years ago


the rotational speed of the earth is slowing down a measurable amount every year, and same as above if you multiply the numbers you get a speed that A) is going so fast it overpowers the gravity pull and no matter can accumulate or B) if matter was able to accumulate your life would consist of 3 sec days and 3 sec nights, cool huh? nightdaynightdaynightdaynightdaynightday... plant life wouldnt be able to survive leading to animals dying then humans would die and nothing could come out of it until its slowed down to- the speed it was going about 10k years ago and nothing can evolve in only 10k years right?


theres more coming but im tired


get ready for a beatdown


because there is no scientific evidence for evolution, theres a $250k reward out to anyone who can prove any part of evolution and you sure aint getting it

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oh ID is a retarded idea?

ok thorne listen up;


first; which evolution do you believe in? there are 6 major ones but theyre different, bet you knew that. so which one do you believe in? or do you not know?


on the topic of retarded theories:


i believe that "in the beginning God..."


you believe that 'in the beginngin dirt...'


you also believe that everything in our huge galaxy came from a big bang which came from something the size of this period . and that came from nothing


along that line think of this, if you had a merry go round with kids on it and you pushed that thing to 100 miles an hour in the clockwise direction, the kids would soon fly off and THEY WILL BE SPINNING THROUGH THE AIR IN THE SAME CLOCKWISE DIRECTION, duh right? then explain why 2 and probably 3 of the planets rotate the opposite direction of the others, and why something like 5% of the moons of all planets rotate opposite of other moons in the same planetary orbit and opposite of the planet they orbit? yeah think about that one


and again along that line, which came first; time, space, or matter?


if time came first then where could you put it?

if space came first then when could you put it?

if matter came first then where could you put it?


sweet its starting to make sense to me


you also believe that the world is millions or billions of years old BUT; the magnetic field is losing its strength at a measurable amount per year, that means it used to be stronger, and when we multiply the percentage of strength lost per year X millions of years we get a force thats too strong to support life until just 10k years ago


the rotational speed of the earth is slowing down a measurable amount every year, and same as above if you multiply the numbers you get a speed that A) is going so fast it overpowers the gravity pull and no matter can accumulate or B) if matter was able to accumulate your life would consist of 3 sec days and 3 sec nights, cool huh? nightdaynightdaynightdaynightdaynightday... plant life wouldnt be able to survive leading to animals dying then humans would die and nothing could come out of it until its slowed down to- the speed it was going about 10k years ago and nothing can evolve in only 10k years right?


theres more coming but im tired


get ready for a beatdown


because there is no scientific evidence for evolution, theres a $250k reward out to anyone who can prove any part of evolution and you sure aint getting it



Right, and you were around to know what was going on in the rest of the solar system at the time, to know what kind of effect anything else had on the earth. Remember the earth is not currently exactly as it always has been, just as you stated. You werent around 10k years ago, so you dont know what was going on in the solar system.

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coupe_no, everything you just posted is so incredibly, retardedly wrong that I don't even know where to begin to educate you otherwise. So I'm not going to. Have a nice life in your little world.


coupe and you with your BS use of wannabe science proves nothing. I don't feel it even deserves me taking the time to google and prove your a tool.



Check this.


MODERN BIOLOGY and MANY MEDICAL BREAK THROUGHS have been made because of evolution. The understanding how evolution works and thus surrounding theorys.


Non evo people we will call them the dark agers alll try and use half assed sceience to defend there point.


Look if you don't like Science don't try and use it to defend something thats totaly based on theology. If you believe in ID thats fine. But the rest of the majority do not and to force it upon there children is stupid.

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too bad evolution is not science, its a hinderence to science because its all speculation. if not so then prove it! comon it shouldnt be hard if its true right?


A few weeks after I bought the Britannica it was quietly announced that the Piltdown man was a fraud! An analysis was made to date the bones more precisely and it was discovered that the skull was human and the jaw was that of a monkey with the teeth filed to make them look human. Both creatures had recently died but the bones had been chemically treated to make them look old! Most news agencies ignored the report, except for Christian publications. Not once have leading evolutionists apologized for promoting a fraud to the world. Evolutionists are now trying to wipe the egg from their faces by saying that the whole thing was not a deliberate fabrication to prove evolution, but actually was an attempt to play a practical joke that "got out of hand!" Oh really? Must we believe that from 1912 until 1953, over 40 years, all the "expert, highly educated, brilliant," evolutionists of the world who studied these bones were fooled by a practical joke?

who believes that the piltdown man is still real evidence?



In 1891 a Dutch army doctor, Eugene Dubois, stationed in Java, reported finding the "missing link" between man and animals! He discovered the top of a skull, three jaw teeth, and part of a thighbone. But he found them 70 feet apart, among many bones along a creek, over the period of a year! After completing his military service Dubois kept the bones in a trunk at home and sent pencil drawings to various evolutionary leaders and museums of the world who eagerly welcomed his "scientific" proof.



Calling his find the Java Ape-Man or "Pithecanthropus erectus" (the ape-man that walks upright), evolutionists swallowed his "proof" without question and arrogantly declared to the world that the Ape-Man was 750,000 years old! Many leading scientists eagerly went to his Holland home to see for themselves those amazing bones, only for Dubois to turn them away at his door.


Finally, after about 35 years, the scientific world demanded to see and evaluate the bones for themselves. Twenty-four European scientists met and studied the bones. Ten said they were the bones of an ape; seven said they came from a man; and seven said they were not the bones of a "missing link!" No less an authority than H.G. Wells, the agnostic historian known for his two-volume Outline of History, said they were the bones of an ape. Even Dubois himself finally admitted that the bones were probably from an ape. But the Java Ape-Man has been paraded in museums and high school and college text books the world over as the "missing link" between man and animals, proving evolution!

oops thats not proof either



In 1922 a so-called scientist claimed to have found in Nebraska the true "missing link" between men and animals. Dubbed the "Nebraska Man," it was flaunted in text-books and museums of the world as being one million years old. Pictures and models were created, based on the "scientific" studies of experts. Just three years later, in the famous "Monkey Trial" in Dayton, Tenn., in 1925, this overwhelming evidence was introduced to prove evolution and show that "ignorant Bible-believers" were wrong! Great "scientific experts" were quoted to prove their case and all who were dumb enough to believe that God created man in His image were mocked and ridiculed!


When evidence of the "Nebraska Man" was demanded, the "great scientific experts" reluctantly admitted that their evidence consisted of ONE (1) tooth! But that's not all! After evolutionists and the mainstream media reporters bullied lowly Bible believers for years with their "scientific proof" the rest of that skeleton was found, and guess what? It was the skeleton of an extinct pig!

no evidence there!

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Wow you make me lol. You think its ok to force religion upon kids.. And to try and discredit science by u sing psudo science. I love people like you, You know why that is?


It means if i decide to have kids they will atleast respect science. most scientist agree that evolution is real. The theorys that have been Extrapulated from evolution have been applied to modern medicine these are facts.


Sorry sir but dr rick atleast is good at what he says. You just copy and paste a couple things from sites that are PRO ID . What do you expect.




Go educate yourself.


Please make my day tell me your a young earth believer.

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Heres something to ponder. OUR DNA Closesly matches a chimp, This is not speculation. We have this stuff called technology. With this stuff we can tear apart the magical strands that are the blue prints for life. Then these wiccan boxes called computers can compare the data and give you a delta.




Berkley called



ROFL there is only 1place that really pushes ID thats a education institute. Its the one founded by christians to get GOD Back in schools. Why don't you got read about the ID movement and how christians attempt to decieve people on purpose. I think thats funnier.


I'm not exagerating. Christians try to mislead people into believe ID is not christianity when its just christanity wearing a diffrent shirt.


GOD Does not belong in public schools. PERIOD. Muslims don't believe the same nor does Jews. Its funny that America was founded on religious freedom yet the right trys to shove it down our throats any chance they get.



BTW thats a whole online course there. It shows how MEDICAL SCIENCE has USED EVOLUTION.


Yup all speculation......

Go talk to dr rick he can atleast educate you in your mislead ways so you know how to actually stand up for your side of the argument.


I respect dr rick because he comes back with a true heart felt responses. You seem to screen scrape shit that reminds me of the type of arguments conspiracy theorists use.

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you dont get it, im all for science, thats why i hate evolution so much


WOW wiki is using the peppered moths as an example of change in genes or whatever! how unscientific, seriously you have no idea what youre talking about do you?

here from discovery institute's discovery.com -

The relative proportions of light-colored and dark-colored (“melanic”) peppered moths changed during the industrial revolution, supposedly because of camouflage and bird predation. In the early 1950s, British physician Bernard Kettlewell released captive moths onto nearby tree trunks and made observations that seemed to confirm this explanation. Many biology textbooks now use Kettlewell’s work on industrial melanism as the classic demonstration of Darwinian natural selection in action, and they typically illustrate the story with photos of moths on tree trunks. Yet biologists in the 1980s discovered that peppered moths rarely rest on tree trunks in the wild. The textbook photos are staged...

you see he got a bunch of those dead moths, painted some of them black, and taped them to tree trunks and scientists loved it


ok this is funny, it talks about barriers that prevent fertilization and how these barriers prevent mating between species and they use the example of fireflys and their different light signals, then right away they show a mule and explain how it cant reproduce, well then tell me why the horse and donkey havent evolved a barrier between them to keep this infertile mule from being born, because infertility doesnt help evolution, it ends it.


wow now they are using the "vestigal leg bones" of the whale to try and prove something, thats been proven to not be true! those are actually pelvic bones that muscles anchor to and those muscles are needed to reproduce. and even if the whale was losing legs, wouldnt that be losing something and not gainging?


again i challenge you to show me proof of evolution.


if you would have been alive when scientists shouted that the sun revolved around the earth you would have believed them.


ps. im not pro ID, ID is dumb, there is no ID

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coupe_no, everything you just posted is so incredibly, retardedly wrong that I don't even know where to begin to educate you otherwise. So I'm not going to. Have a nice life in your little world.


This response wins the gold metal.

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you dont get it, im all for science, thats why i hate evolution so much


WOW wiki is using the peppered moths as an example of change in genes or whatever! how unscientific, seriously you have no idea what youre talking about do you?

here from discovery institute's discovery.com -

you see he got a bunch of those dead moths, painted some of them black, and taped them to tree trunks and scientists loved it


ok this is funny, it talks about barriers that prevent fertilization and how these barriers prevent mating between species and they use the example of fireflys and their different light signals, then right away they show a mule and explain how it cant reproduce, well then tell me why the horse and donkey havent evolved a barrier between them to keep this infertile mule from being born, because infertility doesnt help evolution, it ends it.


wow now they are using the "vestigal leg bones" of the whale to try and prove something, thats been proven to not be true! those are actually pelvic bones that muscles anchor to and those muscles are needed to reproduce. and even if the whale was losing legs, wouldnt that be losing something and not gainging?


again i challenge you to show me proof of evolution.


if you would have been alive when scientists shouted that the sun revolved around the earth you would have believed them.


ps. im not pro ID, ID is dumb, there is no ID


Proof of evolution is that modern medicine uses there understanding of it how viruses and such work.

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too bad evolution is not science, its a hinderence to science because its all speculation. if not so then prove it! comon it shouldnt be hard if its true right?


Prove to me and the rest of the world that there is a God. Where is your hard evidence? A book that was written by MAN saying so? :lol:


Appendix. Explain that one chief.


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BTW, for those who do not believe in evolution, say hi to Mr. Super Virus, AKA drug resistant staph infection. I hope you enjoy his stay. Since you don't believe he evolved, you'll no doubt be using the mild antibiotics that killed off his weaker cousins. Have fun with your amputation.
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