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ebay strike

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My wife had en EBay store for a while - fees just got crazy, and she didn't sell much (fine art & quilts). She has since moved to Etsy.com and has done very well there. This is a unique situation where she found a site that specializes in "handmade" items - jewelry, art, sculpture, etc.


I have about ten items on Ebay right now ending SAT/SUN - doesn't seem to be any change in activity on the stuff I've got up from the past couple of weeks to this week.


I'd gladly go somewhere else - but it still is the place where the buyers are.

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This "strike" seems stupid to me. It's just like the "don't buy gas on this day" e-mail that goes around every so often. If people want to make an impact on ebay, then they just need to stop using it altogether; not just for a week.
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