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I think god would be non interactive personally. There is that whole belief that if he does help some why not help all. He's all powerful right. Yeah So non or all. So I choose non or else I have to believe god is eather


A. Someone i don't wanna fucking know because he's a complete dick

B. He does not exist.

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Dr. Rick that was ghey


i remember when i was about 13 maybe, my 2 brothers and i were leaving a friends house late one cold night, it was about a half mile ride on our bikes, well just as we left i noticed my little brother didnt have anything more than a t-shirt and it was probably under 55* (sounds warm now:) ) so i gave him my jacket, we started riding and i noticed i was feeling warm, i looked at myself but couldnt see anything although it felt like there was an inch of warm air surrounding my whole body


do i win something?

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