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24 reasons not to vote for Hillary!


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Last but not least, I think they have to be related...


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No. I have been very busy. What happened?


Not much in the way of fireworks. Looked to be a draw, and since Obama is the reigning "champ" (since he's won so many of the past debates), I would think the nod would therefore go to him. Hillary drew boos and hisses from the crowd when she accused Obama of plagarism (e.g., "That's not change you can believe in, that's change you can Xerox"). Yeah, it tanked horribly. She recovered though at the very end of the debate when she became a little misty-eyed when talking about watching some veterans with substantial war injuries try to walk into an auditorium. Obama was cool and collected. He didn't make any mistakes, and he didn't say anything controversial. He played it exactly how I would have if I were in his shoes - he's got all the momentum at this point, so playing a little conservative allows him to avoid saying something that could be potentially disasterous. After all, Obama needs to mess up royally to open the door for Hillary; if he doesn't, then I don't think there's much she can do. It also seems Obama is thinking past Hillary at this point and is starting to prepare for McCain.

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Not much in the way of fireworks. Looked to be a draw, and since Obama is the reigning "champ" (since he's won so many of the past debates), I would think the nod would therefore go to him. Hillary drew boos and hisses from the crowd when she accused Obama of plagarism (e.g., "That's not change you can believe in, that's change you can Xerox"). Yeah, it tanked horribly. She recovered though at the very end of the debate when she became a little misty-eyed when talking about watching some veterans with substantial war injuries try to walk into an auditorium. Obama was cool and collected. He didn't make any mistakes, and he didn't say anything controversial. He played it exactly how I would have if I were in his shoes - he's got all the momentum at this point, so playing a little conservative allows him to avoid saying something that could be potentially disasterous. After all, Obama needs to mess up royally to open the door for Hillary; if he doesn't, then I don't think there's much she can do. It also seems Obama is thinking past Hillary at this point and is starting to prepare for McCain.

This election provide no one for me to get behind at this point. I would never vote for Hillary, Obama, or the Quasi liberal McCain. I guess I will write in Paul

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If she did more of that, she'd have kept her marriage together.


You repubs better get used to McCain, he's the new Republican. The Party isn't one of values or any of that BS, look at their stands throughout history. They're a flavor of the month party that's good at getting elected, and nothing more. That's how they've been around this long. McCain will be successful and the party will have to swing like him to get their seats back.

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