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V8 Beast

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Has anyone noticed that CR is just like highschool??


-There are the normal everyday people. They are not popular, but they are pretty well known by jocks and nerds. They can use their ability to fit in to attend almost any CR event.


-Nerds. They know all about computers, and chess, and get together seperate from the others. They are very useful for getting things fixed and are more than happy to lend a hand.


-Class clowns. These are the people that come in to the most serious/complex thread and can instantly lighten the mood. Although annoying as hell at times they are needed to help everyone keep their sanity.


-Supercool jocks. They are full of themselves and have a very cocky attitude. They also have a huge following. When they post it seems like 500 people jump out of nowhere to swing from their balls (They swing in hope of being noticed and accepted to the cool side).


-Whores. See above post about 500 people. These are the people who are more than willing to suck a dick or 2 to become popular...


-Cheerleaders. What happens to the above whores after they become popular.


-Older jocks. They are the ones that have failed too many classes (too many speeding tickets, racing tickets, lost their license, etc.) to be able to play (race) and are in their 8th year of school (tenured member). These are the only people that the jocks actually fear. They come out of the blue to challenge the jocks once or twice a year. This usally makes for an epic event


-Finally we have the teachers and principles. These are the people that have to try to police all of these guys so that they can live in the same environment without chaos.

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LOL!! I take back my comment! I never had sex with that CR member!


I'm the normal guy that fits in with the jocks, nerds, clowns, etc... I was then promoted to teacher after having a great ability to bring people together. Now lets all hold hands and sing coombiah :D

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Are you that guy with the baggy jeans, chuck tailors, and a hoody that stands under bleachers all day?

baggy jeans - no, relaxed fit, boot cut, 34x36

chuck tailors - no, usually vans or boots

hoody - sometimes

under bleachers - no, that would've required being at school. i skipped... a lot.

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I guess I am in a weird position. My obligations, like Whempys, School, and my Job, require me to have nerd skills. However, I definitely hang out with my friends, and spend lots of time in the sun, in addition to not play WoW.


I still go out to parties (rarely), but I don't party, as I don't drink. I also refuse to swing from anyone's nuts, and am more likely to blow them off with a weapon if they are even there for me to hang on.


Wow, its just like it was in real high school. I don't fit in anywhere.

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I guess I am in a weird position. My obligations, like Whempys, School, and my Job, require me to have nerd skills. However, I definitely hang out with my friends, and spend lots of time in the sun, in addition to not play WoW.


I still go out to parties (rarely), but I don't party, as I don't drink. I also refuse to swing from anyone's nuts, and am more likely to blow them off with a weapon if they are even there for me to hang on.


Wow, its just like it was in real high school. I don't fit in anywhere.


NERD in denial

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I used to be a hardcore nerd, I definitely wont deny that. I used to pretty much not do anything but watch Anime and play video games.


You have a "mygamercard" in your sig on a RACING forum. Dude, you're still a hardcore nerd. And that blowing balls comment makes you a little gay too. But mostly nerd.

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