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Looking for a job for my wife.


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My wife is proficent in office and such apps. She has a degree in computer graphics design. She also was only a xray test away from being able to do dental assisting but she came down really sick.



She's looking for anything thats not CSR she's sick of it.


Pay requirement 12.50hr + depending on job type.




She loves animals so working with animals would be great.

She also is interested in working in a doc/dentist office as receptinist.

She is not trying to do manual labor.

100$ bounty for anyone who find her a job meeting these reqs and she gets the job.

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well Ashland Distribution is always hiring. You start out at $13 and within 4 months at $15....its a CSR job but way harder more work involved. You work with sales reps, buyers, plants. Your kind of the middle man. It can get pretty stressful at times but ive been there for 8 months now and I really like it. If shes interested she has to go through a temp agency called Innosourse. Let me know what you think. :)
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