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help me with my experiment


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ok, so im gonna build a prototype cooling system for the xbox 360. im wondering if anyone has some PC fans they want to give away, as well as maybe a power supply, something like from a router, or whatever.. or if someone has a junk piece of elctronics that i can tear the plug out of and use the plug and power supply.or whatever i need.


im making a basic design first and then will elaborate from there.


basically a cooling stand so the xbox and power supply (brick) can sit on horizontally and heat can be pulled from the bottom of them.


if this works well, i would like to make somethign a little more elaborate with a usb hub built in as well as a dock to recharge the battery packs for the controllers up to maybe 4 at a time. also a fan controller or something on it. maybe even a spot to hold a controller or 2.


havent gotten that far into it yet, but i want to make sure my idea is gonna effectively work, unlike these cooling system that are already out for it.


main goal in the end is to keep temps down and help fight off the ROD, as well as not rob the 360 of power.. all the other cooling units plug into the 360 via usb.. mine will have its own power. and you can use the power from it to power multiple usb ports, and recharge your battery packs.

and the end product would be using the quietest fans i can buy that flow the most CFM


like i said this is just a prototype, so it wont be pretty, but hopefully it will be functional. then ill start making it somethign worth looking at lol you know carbon fibered up with LEDs and shit.


ill be taking temp readings before and after, and wouldnt mind some of the guys on here to take some temp reading of there own if they want.




soooo......... who wants to help the cause lol.

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