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ruthless murdering soldier


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This is what my brother said about this video "Do you people cry when you hit a groundhog? It wont stop so dont be shocked to see more vids like this." He has gone over there more than a few times and said this shit happens all the time.

I hit a raccoon last year and went back to see if it was alive, and it was panting and squealing. I killed it to put it out of its misery because I felt so bad. I honestly can't understand how someone can't at least feel sympathy for something that is suffering.

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I agree. Besides they are over there so we don't have to be there so let them kill anything they want.


I see nothing wrong with it and to me its actually very funny. Who gives a fuck its a dog and not even a dog that's lived with you for 10 years. And for reference I showed my wife the vid and she doesn't see a problem either.



Your opinion doesn't matter, as your mindset on dogs has proven to be ridiculous and stupid, via some pet thread started awhile go. You should never own a pet.

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Triple for the dog lovers out there...





And in case the major message was lost along the way... What the soldier did in the video was stupid, and now thanks to his dumb ass recording it I can pretty much garauntee he will get the counselling he needs.

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We send them over there to kill anything that seems to be a threat (including women and children) and we are acting disgusted about a dog???? I would be a little off of my rocker too if I was in full gear in 100+ temps getting shot at and having to look over my shoulder most of the time.


Nobody sent him over there but himself.. I'm about sick and tired of people sticking up for these troops and the bullshit people think they have to, "put up with." THEY enlisted willingly, and they knew what to expect.


PS, I could give a damn about the puppy.. I'm just voicing my opinion about thoughts similar to the quoted.

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^You haven't taken many psych classes have you?


I could enlist tomorrow fully expecting to go to war. But, guess what, nothing can prepare you for what you may or may not see.


Edit: You also quoted where Brian spoke about being in full combat gear in 100+ degree weather. You may want to research the effects of heat on mental processes.

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^You haven't taken many psych classes have you?


I could enlist tomorrow fully expecting to go to war. But, guess what, nothing can prepare you for what you may or may not see.


Edit: You also quoted where Brian spoke about being in full combat gear in 100+ degree weather. You may want to research the effects of heat on mental processes.


My post had nothing to do with that dude throwing that puppy of the cliff.. I don't even care that he did that. What I quoted was in reference of people essentially saying we should feel bad for the soldiers when they volunteered themselves to be put in their current position. I'm not denying the mental conditions apparent by heat and fatigue, it's going to happen.

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I've owned lots of pets and loved them all. I just don't take it to far like most city folks do these days.


I wouldn't care if it was a vid of him pushing a women off the cliff. To me its war and anything goes as long as we win. Of course I'm a war pig and think we should stretch our muscles much more than we have in the past.


BTW Girls the wife and I are still watching it and laughing so hard we're gonna be sick.



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My post had nothing to do with that dude throwing that puppy of the cliff.. I don't even care that he did that. What I quoted was in reference of people essentially saying we should feel bad for the soldiers when they volunteered themselves to be put in their current position. I'm not denying the mental conditions apparent by heat and fatigue, it's going to happen.


Since you quoted me I will assume I am "people"... Its funny what people conjure up when they read things. Nobody is sticking up for the guy. If you would have read the entire thread you would have noticed my question was why do people seem to raise a fuss over a (fake) video of a puppy killing while they are killing people everyday.


As far as the understanding how people can be crazy, it just that "understanding". Understanding and excusing can be 2 different things. Think about this... When a murderer is said to have mental issues (and is sent to a mental home rather than prison) is the mental disease an excuse or a reason???? Does it excuse his crime or does he still get convicted?

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Since you quoted me I will assume I am "people"... Its funny what people conjure up when they read things. Nobody is sticking up for the guy. If you would have read the entire thread you would have noticed my question was why do people seem to raise a fuss over a (fake) video of a puppy killing while they are killing people everyday.

Because people associate puppies with innocence. It's the same thing with children. You'd be more upset seeing a child murdered than an adult. it's just how it works. In war, we know atrocities happen, like accidental deaths in bombings and crossfire; but then you have these asshats, not even in combat at the time, killing a little puppy in a violent and cruel way. Yeah, it's a lot different.


If an innocent dog was caught by a stray bullet, and a camera guy caught it on film, it wouldn't NEARLY be as troubling as a soldier tossing it ruthlessly off a cliff.

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Since you quoted me I will assume I am "people"... Its funny what people conjure up when they read things. Nobody is sticking up for the guy. If you would have read the entire thread you would have noticed my question was why do people seem to raise a fuss over a (fake) video of a puppy killing while they are killing people everyday.


Definately don't take it as pointing my finger at you directly. Not what I was trying to do by quoting you.. BUT, your comment did strike that nerve.

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Because people associate puppies with innocence. It's the same thing with children. You'd be more upset seeing a child murdered than an adult. it's just how it works. In war, we know atrocities happen, like accidental deaths in bombings and crossfire; but then you have these asshats, not even in combat at the time, killing a little puppy in a violent and cruel way. Yeah, it's a lot different.


This is 100% true. Its because we have heard about people dying everyday for years. I personally have never seen a puppy killed in this manner so it bring in a different kind of shock factor. Its like that video where the guy was shooting rats and bunnies. I was fine when he killed the rats, but was disgusted when he killed the bunnies. Its just human nature.

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Definately don't take it as pointing my finger at you directly. Not what I was trying to do by quoting you.. BUT, your comment did strike that nerve.


Aw man! I like it when people point fingers at me. Lets e-battle... picking on Hal gets old ;)


But seriously, I didnt mean it that way. A guy throwing a puppy doesnt need any excuses from me.

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Aw man! I like it when people point fingers at me. Lets e-battle... picking on Hal gets old ;)


But seriously, I didnt mean it that way. A guy throwing a puppy doesnt need any excuses from me.


Dealing with people on this website makes me throw puppies off cliffs, so I can understand where they're coming from. :D

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My post had nothing to do with that dude throwing that puppy of the cliff.. I don't even care that he did that. What I quoted was in reference of people essentially saying we should feel bad for the soldiers when they volunteered themselves to be put in their current position. I'm not denying the mental conditions apparent by heat and fatigue, it's going to happen.

My post also had nothing to do with the puppy as far as I remember. I don't feel like reading what I wrote, so I'll assume I said what I think I said.


I'm just pointing out, they probably didn't know what was going to happen to them when they signed up.

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i cant belive im saying this


typical kids though


havent you ever seen a kid blow up a frog or torture a cat.


Clark does your brother do this stuff (prolly not and i understand hes prolly got alot more to be fucked up about than this dirtwad)


This guy was prolly an ass before war hell be one after. now move on

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