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Political BS - pres


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I used to avoid this stuff like the plague, but it's important to us all and I always want to try and make at least a semi-informed opinion on it so I try and follow it somewhat.


This split on the democratic side may not be good in the long run for them but who knows. I think if Clinton wins the democratic side McCain will win president but if Obama wins the nod them it could be close in November. Just my guess though and I'm no expert on this stuff at all.

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This split on the democratic side may not be good in the long run for them but who knows. I think if Clinton wins the democratic side McCain will win president but if Obama wins the nod them it could be close in November. Just my guess though and I'm no expert on this stuff at all.


Spot on, that is why Rush wanted republicans not to vote in the primaries for the republican side. It was over. He wanted republicans to sabotage the democratic side. This system is so fucking flawed, it needs totally redesigned. Fuck parties, just run and say what you are about. Why must we label everything. I'm not voting if it is Clinton and McCain. Not only does McCain have lobbyists carrying him around on his campaign he is still fucking one with Viagra. And I am fucking tired of the Bush/Clinton era. I mean when is my generation going realize we are creating a 2 family monarchy. What next in 2012? Jeb Bush? There is already talk of it......

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McCain for GOP. Clinton won 3/4 states yesterday. OH, RI, TX. She is still behind in the delegate count. She has to win like the last 60% to get the nomination. Pretty much she is down so far it may not be possible to come back, if Obama continues to do any winning.
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Agreed with Ben. I hated the fact yesterday because I decided to vote on the Democratic primary that I could only vote for Democrats in all things, there were actually a couple people I wanted to vote for for some offices that I couldn't and that's just shitty. I believe some states let you do this when your unaffiliated with a party like myself.
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Agreed with Ben. I hated the fact yesterday because I decided to vote on the Democratic primary that I could only vote for Democrats in all things, there were actually a couple people I wanted to vote for for some offices that I couldn't and that's just shitty. I believe some states let you do this when your unaffiliated with a party like myself.


That's why I don't claim a set, mang, I just represent. ;) I'm curious to know how Clinton came back from being so far down in Texas. And is it possible to have a voter turnout and/or count without some huge controversy? ie; Ohio this year.

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Gotta agree with Ben as well. I hate the current system. I don't consider myself a Democrat or a Republican, and I hate being labeled either. I'm for whoever it is that I'm for. Why is that so fucking difficult? If I think a dem is the better person, I'll vote that way, and vice versa for a republican. They need to do away with all the party BS and let people be people.
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I hate politics and politicians. They are all puppets and they can't be trusted for shit. Too bad Ron Paul doesn't have a shot. We need more politicians like him.


Gotta agree with Ben as well. I hate the current system. I don't consider myself a Democrat or a Republican, and I hate being labeled either. I'm for whoever it is that I'm for. Why is that so fucking difficult? If I think a dem is the better person, I'll vote that way, and vice versa for a republican. They need to do away with all the party BS and let people be people.


Agreed 100%

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Hilliary needs 97% of the remaining delegates and Obama needs 70 some percent for either of them to clearly win the nomination. Neither of them are likely to achieve those numbers so the winner is going to be decided at the convention.



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Hilliary needs 97% of the remaining delegates and Obama needs 70 some percent for either of them to clearly win the nomination. Neither of them are likely to achieve those numbers so the winner is going to be decided at the convention.



Correct. The DNC will select thier nomination with the super delegates (some of wich are still in college, and arent even old enough to have voted in a presidential election)

Leave it to the liberals to have a system in place to negate the will of the people and leave the decision in the hands of a few elite (goverment knows best...)




(edited due to wireless keyboard dropping random letters)

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