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Military . . . Ya, Nay?

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No, I meant enlist. I want to try for Navy or Army SPECWAR. If you go as an officer you only get one shot. I'd rather give my best to make it through training then put in an OCS packet later. 60-80% attrition rates sound like a good challenge to me.
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Join the army/marines to put some hair on your balls and bragging rights or whatever, or the air force for a bigger check and fluffier chairs.


Tell that to the USAF CCT/PJ operators and you'd... be very sad you did. Reading this thread makes me want to get in shape and try out.

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Hal - can't speak for Army but getting an OCS ticket in the Navy once you're in as enlisted is alot harder than getting an OCS slot coming in in the first place. At least it was when I was in back in the stone age.


Also, I'm not sure where you heard as officers you get one shot at specwar, but I'd seriously double check that info.


Seriously, if you have a chance to go officer, do not pass it up for enlisted *anything* - even Women's Shower Towel Passer.

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Hal - can't speak for Army but getting an OCS ticket in the Navy once you're in as enlisted is alot harder than getting an OCS slot coming in in the first place. At least it was when I was in back in the stone age.


Also, I'm not sure where you heard as officers you get one shot at specwar, but I'd seriously double check that info.

That's the truth, at least for Naval officers. As an officer you can get medically rolled back, but, that's it. If I don't make it through BUD/S, I most likely won't put in for a packet. I'll probably serve out my term in the regular fleet and leave with that service under my belt.

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Seriously, if you have a chance to go officer, do not pass it up for enlisted *anything* - even Women's Shower Towel Passer.


I completely agree. I can't imagine going enlisted over officer after I've served. The way you are treated, what you get in terms of benefits far outweigh anything you could do as an enlisted puke. Not to mention you'd take constant shit from all the other enlisted guys as to why in the hell you didn't go OCS... :lol:

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depending on how good of a demolition man you are you can make loot to blow up old buildings in places like vegas and nyc there was just a show on the history channel or discovery about it you might look into it if you really like to blow stuff up


Already looked into doing oil field demo, and industrial demo job. The job was taken with Bradenton, who is a company out of Chicago to do demo work. Went to some college boy I think, who honestly wouldn't know what MDI is if it hit him in the face.

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My two friends acutally left for boot camp to Paris Island for the Marines. From what they say, boot camp is complete hell. But then again, listening to all of the stories that I have heard from friends parents, boot camp is a bitch and the rest of the experience is completely rewarding.
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My two friends acutally left for boot camp to Paris Island for the Marines. From what they say, boot camp is complete hell. But then again, listening to all of the stories that I have heard from friends parents, boot camp is a bitch and the rest of the experience is completely rewarding.

Boot camp ain't shit compared to combat, trust me.

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well if you pick my job you travel a lot. which means per diem! unless you spend it on alcohol and hookers overseas. then you're screwed.


Isnt that the point?


I have been in the National Guard for 10 years now (how the hell did that happen?) For the most part, it has been a good experiance. One thing that annoys me is some of the poor leadership we get in the officer ranks of the guard. From time to time we get a fresh butterbar that belives they are gods gift to the army, and we spend about a year training him how to not be a numbskull. Some of the drill weekends get booring doing all the paperwork requirements that must be completed to keep higher happy. On the other side, range fire is fun, and some drills we get out in the woods and hide (paintball with an organized squad is awesome)

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My two friends acutally left for boot camp to Paris Island for the Marines. From what they say, boot camp is complete hell. But then again, listening to all of the stories that I have heard from friends parents, boot camp is a bitch and the rest of the experience is completely rewarding.



I had a real bad time with the sand flea's on paris island, i was ccovered in poka dots, them little bastards suck.

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