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People in LA and their cars

El Karacho1647545492

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I spent the last week on break in LA and Vegas, and jesus fuck people here drive nice cars. RR Phantoms are nothing special, Ferraris and Lambos are a dime a dozen, and you can't drive down the street between Cheviot and Beverly without seeing more Benzes and BMWs that all of Columbus has. I mean hell, I've seen at least 4 Maybachs and probably about 25 Bentley Conti GTCs and Flying Spurs.


I don't really know where this thread can go from here: discuss why people have way too much goddamn money.

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Southern California is the land of expensive cars. Its awesome. I was on the 55 freeway heading to Newport Beach last summer and passed or got passed by three GT40s a few Lambos and Ferraris and a Mercedes SLR McLaren stopped next to me at the red light. And the Porches and regular Mercedes seem to be the normal cars there, kinda like your economy cars here. Its pretty cool.
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Yeah, I've lived in both places. It helps there's no need for winter beaters and you guaranteed to get a few opportunities to race some of those 'kinds of cars' if you live there. Hell, just spend a Saturday or Sunday cruising PCH1 in Cali and it'll happen. One of the best drives in the US, to boot.
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