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Thats going to leave a scar. (PIC)


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So I got a nice gash last night, I'm not sure if the pic shows how deep it actually is but yeah I could see fatty tissue. If you don't like pics of sores don't look further down




























ok here it is

BTW I sat and cleaned it out with aclky and held it together while we used skin glue. It hurt like a SOB.




My face was pretty swollen at this point

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Playing with my dog, We were playing with a toy and I moved one way he had went after the toy and his had slammed into mine. He did not even bite just tooth caught me.


Its about a 8th a inch deep.

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I too would get it stitched up. I had a similar experience running into a tree in the dark, and I didn't really do anything other than clean it out. It left a pretty noticeable scar until I started treating it with some scar-healing stuff. Better to be proactive about it now then regret the permanent mark on your face later :).


I just wanted to add my own pic too, note the bark IN my face :



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Where you playing hide and seek with the tree and it found u?


No sir, it's kind of a long and dumbass story. Basically, I was camping in Hocking Hills, and no unfortunately I can't use the "I was drunk" copout....

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It is infected I just got back from urgent care. I also cut a nerve so I can't feel certin shit. I'm in a ton of pain now but they gave me something called ultracet.


Wow, that does indeed suck. Hopefully no permanent nerve damage?

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going to docs in few minutes

whuss, i cut 1/4 of the way through my thumb and just wrapped it up with TP, sure i got a scar and i have no feeling after the cut but i have the right to call myself a man


PS: you look like you belong in a iroc camaro or something



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Guest mrhobbz
whuss, i cut 1/4 of the way through my thumb and just wrapped it up with TP, sure i got a scar and i have no feeling after the cut but i have the right to call myself a man


PS: you look like you belong in a iroc camaro or something




..... wow.

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yup because when the world is flat infections don't happen they're all a raz by the man.



When you have a real car run your mouth.



Why are you even on this board? You don't have a car to race. You don't bring anything of use to the table. You also make absurd remarks that are totaly nubstiq.

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whuss, i cut 1/4 of the way through my thumb and just wrapped it up with TP, sure i got a scar and i have no feeling after the cut but i have the right to call myself a man




you have the right to call yourself a moron. should have had the surgery to repair the nerve you cut. dipshit

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for everyone's knowledge, the cut means absolutely NOTHING in this case. the only thing i would focus on, in treating this injury, is the fact that he was bit by a dog. i wouldn't even stitch the wound up, unless it was really gaping open. i'm guessing they gave thorne some augmentin (antibiotic).
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