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alarm remote keeps beeping


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My 95 SVX has an aftermarket alarm/remote. I haven't quite figured out how to use the little remote yet, and I haven't been able to find any manuals for it online, I'm not sure what the brand is.

Anyways, this little remote keeps BEEPING, and its starting to drive me nuts! It doesn't beep when I am at home in the house, it only beeps while out driving around. :confused:

I am really close to pulling the battery out of it, but I need the remote because my cars locks don't work without it. :rolleyes:


Anyone have any ideas who would have made this thing or possibly why it keeps beeping?


Pic of remote:



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Thanks for the info.


It probably is some cheap system. I'm mostly surprised he got the after market alarm to work with the car at all, some people haven't had good luck doing that to these cars. The guy who had it before me did some stupid crap to the interior though, and the wiring is kinda scary. (Like painted green dash, button hooked up to alarm to sound like a police siren.)


I replaced the battery with a new one when I bought the car, I don't think the battery is going dead. The little battery indicator shows its good.

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