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thoughts on the nokia N95


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Now thats its been out for awhile and the second gen has settled in, what are the phone guru's opinions on the Nokia N95?


Also - what are your thoughts on which carrier in columbus to go with with this phone? Which carrier diesables the least functionality?


I was thinking of buying an unlocked N95 and then going with Sprint because of its data network speed (I need it primarily browse).


I will also be going to europe in May to visit the inlaws and would prefer to be able to use it then but its not a huge criteria.


Also - if there's a better phone than the N95 I should be looking at by all means let me know - I'm not married to it. I just liked it's platform, its smallish size (for what it does) and its features.


thx in advance


(PS I'm on Verizon now using a Krzr - like the phone, but outgrown it - in my new position i need true email and browsing - and i hate Verizon's network, so I'll be ditching this contract)

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interesting. nice pricepoint, but the browser is giving me pause. they say its "improved" over the previous bog standard blackberry browser (which imo is kludgey) but don't say how it is improved.


The thing i hate about verizon on my krzr is how they eat up a good 33% of the screen with that crap software overlay of their. Do I really need to have the verizon red band at the top and bottom of my screen? is this blackberry saddled with that?


I can get it from Verizon. But then I give up VCast offerings- no big loss -and I'm not sure about how transparent the verizon network is for surfing.


hmmm, still its $300 less....


i dunno.


I guess this begs another question: what carriers work easiest with self-bought unlocked phones? meaning which make you jumnp thru the fewest hurdles to get it onto their network.

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I have an N80 internet edition and its a great phone. N95 can only be better.


N-series > *


Mine is unlocked and i have T-mobile, i only have one problem with them and its that they do not have a 3G network yet, i would do AT&T for that.

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I heard AT&T's EDGE network is... how did they put it: "slow as frozen molasses".


Isn't Sprint 3G? I always thought Sprint was boasting the fastest data network. Is that wrong?


We left Cingular a while back and I don't plan to return (also ruling out the iPhone. Well that and Steve jobs is a douchebag).

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Does sprint use sim cards?



Sprint and Verizon do not use sim cards.



Only At&t and t-mobile does.



Sprint and Verizon both of the global Blackberry 8830 and verizon has a shitty motorola global edition phone as well that you would have to get a pre-paid sim card to use it overseas..

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I saw someone say T-Mobile in another post and for whatever reason said yes to Sprint and sim cards. Oops.


Again, my VX9800 has nothing of what you're describing. It's probably built in to those POS RAZR phones. I hate those damned things anyways. Go look at a VX10000 Voyager or VX9900 EnV (which the 9900 is $30 with agreement). They're nice, have good internet interaction, and some nice features overall.

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I should clarify - the verizon overlay of the motorola os (on my krzr and the wife's razor) is cack. Its the thing I said takes up 1/3 the screen and no way to turn it off with Verizon's blessing.


Stay far far away from anything made by Motorola..


Anything wrong with any of our higher end motorola model phones isn't surprising.. EVERY single one of them have problems my dumb ass thought it was solved when they came out with the Razr 2 NOPE same software, battery, call quality ect ect problems as all the previous models..



If you want a phone with the capabilities to use it overseas then the Blackberry 8830 would be the best choice with Verizon which is the phone I am using I don't plan on going overseas anytime soon so I couldn't tell you how good it works off of U.S soil I'm sure you can look it up online somewhere..

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I'm talking about the GUI not the phone itself.


Verizon slaps a GUI on *top* of the motorola GUI - which isn't bad but isn't great to begin with. Imagine a status bar on the top of your phone that shows signal strength, time ,etc. Well, the Verizon version of the krzr and razor have FIVE. Two on top and three on the bottom. The same phones from other carriers have two - one on top one on bottom. I'm happy to hear Verizon didn't saddle all their phones with this craptastic GUI overlay.


Back on Topic - not thinking a 8130 is an alternative to the n95 being a blackberry - apples to oranges and all. but I'll look more into other blackberrys now.


EDIT: Wife's phone is a LG VX8600 - same GUI overlay - thogh not as bad: 4 ribbons, two top two bottom. Still an irritating waste of space as they NEVER go away.

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From what ive heard blackberries aren't bad when it comes to working internationally. Im just not a fan of the usability and appearance.


I travel outside of the US often and that is the reason why i will never own anything but a nokia, along with the fact that it is the most user friendly phone, and nokia is the worlds largest cell phone manufacturer and as far as im concerned they are the innovators of the mobile phone market.


Motorola = sucks.


For the most part ive never had any problems with Sony Ericsons either

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First off Sprint's Data connection blows. And the BB's don't have the verizon red bars you're talking about. Finally, you can't use an unlocked phone on sprint's network. they are CDMA. "Unlocked" typically refers to a GSM phone that not purchased thru a carrier and will work on any GSM network.
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Thanks all, this is good info. So what carrier should i be looking at? (Sounds like nothing is beating the N95 phone choice so far.)


In short - I'm looking mainly to use as a phone, browser and email a close second, mp3 player third, international a DISTANT third (I no longer do any business in europe and I try to inflict only one visit to the inlaws in holland on myself a year.) I really have no carrier allegiance and I am completely and totally over being locked into content/software/os choices by a carrier. Fuk that. I won't go with a carrier with restrictions. Trouble is, they all go out of their way to hide their limitations on their official sites/materials to cell phone laypersons like myself.


So as I troll the forums and reviewer sites it all looks like hearsay and speculation on what you can and cant do on each carrier's network. ugh.

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Guest mrhobbz
Thanks all, this is good info. So what carrier should i be looking at? (Sounds like nothing is beating the N95 phone choice so far.)


In short - I'm looking mainly to use as a phone, browser and email a close second, mp3 player third, international a DISTANT third (I no longer do any business in europe and I try to inflict only one visit to the inlaws in holland on myself a year.) I really have no carrier allegiance and I am completely and totally over being locked into content/software/os choices by a carrier. Fuk that. I won't go with a carrier with restrictions. Trouble is, they all go out of their way to hide their limitations on their official sites/materials to cell phone laypersons like myself.


So as I troll the forums and reviewer sites it all looks like hearsay and speculation on what you can and cant do on each carrier's network. ugh.


Wait for the android?

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Thanks all, this is good info. So what carrier should i be looking at? (Sounds like nothing is beating the N95 phone choice so far.)


In short - I'm looking mainly to use as a phone, browser and email a close second, mp3 player third, international a DISTANT third (I no longer do any business in europe and I try to inflict only one visit to the inlaws in holland on myself a year.) I really have no carrier allegiance and I am completely and totally over being locked into content/software/os choices by a carrier. Fuk that. I won't go with a carrier with restrictions. Trouble is, they all go out of their way to hide their limitations on their official sites/materials to cell phone laypersons like myself.


So as I troll the forums and reviewer sites it all looks like hearsay and speculation on what you can and cant do on each carrier's network. ugh.


There are plenty of phones that would suit your needs. There are limitations for every carrier. But for what you need must phones do that off top minus the non-world edtion verizon phones. PDA's you can pretty much do what ever you want to them. hell on the blackberrys you can design your own themes. So your locked into content/software/os choices would be solved with any pda. Non - PDAs not so much.

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I agree with other people, stay away from Verzion. I have it and it sucks, espeically the proprietary OS they use (RAZR).


As soon as my plan is up, Im getting a blackberry or an iPhone... 2 of the best smartphones, imo. a new iPhone with 3G and GPS navigation is rumored to come out this summer. Blackberrys keep getting better and better

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I thought about waiting on android actually. it looks pretty cool, but since all thats been demo'd is circuit boards in closed door presentations if I could I'd wait on the next tradeshow to see if any new announcements hit. But I probably won't wait.


As I said I'm staying away from iPhone. bricking = suck. and PDAs are just too beefy - I would like to be able to put this thing in a pocket and still walk, as opposed to slinging it on a belt holster like some Star Trek nerd. lol It may be the most efficient way to carry them I'll give you, but sorry but every time I see some guy with those things on their belts I crack up. Besides I don't wear belts that often (much less pants).


I'm surprised some of you are recommending Cingular/AT&T - when I last had them (just prior to switching to Verizon) they really sucked ass. completely incompetent in billing, quality of service, rates, you name it. Maybe its changed in the last year. Can't be worse than Verizon's content control.

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N95 on AT&T sounds like a good way to go. I'm using a Tilt on AT&T and the data connection works great. I watch TV, listen to internet radio and browse the internet hassle free. Great reception too.


+1 for N95 on AT&T

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