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WTF Is this? Just made me kinda goo WTF?


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I heard about this last week..... Some people have WAY too much money to waste. Why in fuck would you turn yourself into a man, then want to have a baby???? What type of mental disorder does this woman have? Looks like she craves attention to me..... Also What the fuck is Oprah doing calling this woman a man anyways? Does one of the richest women in the world not know that men can't have babies, only women?!?!?!


I don't care if this chick did add a piece of skin to her twat and called it a dick... She's still a chick!

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Beatie legally became a man after undergoing a sex change operation - but kept her female reproductive organs.


OK I am a little confused. If he had a sex change how will he deliver? Or are they just going to go straight to c section? Also, how the artificial insemination worked has me a lil confused as well.

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OK I am a little confused. If he had a sex change how will he deliver? Or are they just going to go straight to c section? Also, how the artificial insemination worked has me a lil confused as well.


Dude that guy has a vagina !!! ;)

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So this kid Heshe is having is going to get made fun of for its short life... Till it kills itself I know I would.


"Jimmy, will your mom...ehhhh... I mean dad or what ever let you come over?" Jimmy picks up knife and then dives on it /End of sad story

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