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anyone skate on here, if so we have a group of us that do it daily, we range from starting, to semi pro sponcered guys, come out to marysville at elger park from 11am to around 3:45, park is decent for guys that are not that good from small boxes to larger, fun boxes, to large hand rails ect, makes a fun place, before the kids get out of school and gets to crowded, if you want to join pm me, and I will give you my number and we can meet up.


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I used to skate everyday. To bad that was the 80's and I"m now to old and slow for that sort of thing. I'm always itching to try again, but I already know how it will turn out and I'm not missing work:p



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I used to BMX and Rollerblade hardcore when I was in elementary and middle school. I got lazy in high school when I bought a car. ^_^


I never could use a skateboard well. Oh well no more road rash on my elbows and knees.

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I used to skate everyday. To bad that was the 80's and I"m now to old and slow for that sort of thing. I'm always itching to try again, but I already know how it will turn out and I'm not missing work:p





yeah ive broke my wrist/hand 8 diff times, in my right hand i still have 3 pin's and sometimes its hard to move , but when Im riding around, all the pain goes away till the end of the night. your not old 29, most of the good skaters are 20-35 years old. maybe you should get back on one, just to ride, maybe a long board to cruz around.

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After I got comatose from a skateboard accident I could never seem to ride on one again. I give props though to those who skate and don't act like asshats.



yeah all the guys I do skate with are the oldschool guys that have been doing it for a long time, all really cool guys, The reason I said we leave at 3:45 is thats around the time the school kids arrive, then you have a huge group of pot smoking, emo hair fuckers,and sometime your wannabe eminem thugs that start flocking in aka asshats.

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