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Now Hiring:

V8 Beast

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Nutswingers between the age of 17 - 34.


Job Description:

Must be proficient in the use of Columbus Racing as well as various other forums. Also must be able to agree with me no matter how stupid of a post I make, or how much of an ass I make of myself in public. The job pays in possible street credibility, and knowing my secrets that are kept from the board. In rare instances you may even be able to ride in my car.



Must be able to swing from my nuts at a very high rate of speed. Must have at least 6 months of prior nutswinging experience and the ability to multi-task. You will also be required to speak on my behalf whenever possible.



Must be able to type in english (and in certain forums espanol).


If this looks like the job for you please feel free to contact me at 1-866-NUT-SWANG. You may also apply at nutswingersofamerica.org or email me at Ihaveasmallpenisandcantspeakformyself@imalameass.com

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I got Brian for $50.


Sorry Hal. You do not have enough prior experience to apply. Dont take this as a failure.. remember Michael Jordan was once cut from the basketball team. With a little bit of practice you can be anything you want to be!



Ben, you're hired... right after I ban you ;)

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oh oh oh pick me I would LOVE to ride in a real pontic trans am! last one I rode in was a 1979 301 turbo (we all know how thrilling those are) and ive been yearning for more ever since! :)



P.S. Im an equal opportunity employee!


I like your style. Hired!

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I have never even had a ride in an 90s or later f-body, last ride I had was my aunt's 88 Firebird, I might have been 13 or 14. :o I would be the worst at this, I can't even swing on my own nuts. :(


Oh once again I block your BAN!


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I like your style. Hired!



Super, when do I stare and what should I wear/bring for my first day?, Also what do I have to pay you, the reason I ask is because this is obviously a position that is too good to be paid for and one (like yourself) should be compensated for by all means!

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I have never even had a ride in an 90s or later f-body, last ride I had was my aunts 88 Firebird, I might have been 13 or 14. :o I would be the worst at this, I can't even swing on my own nuts. :(


The best thing about being a certified n.swinger is that you dont have to know anything about me or my car... just act like you do! The training class is two weeks long and the benefits start after your very first post. Its an exciting opportunity in a fast paced environment. You would do great just give it a chance! If you are still concerned here is a letter written from a previous n.swinger.


"Brian gave me a chance when no one else would. He took me from an unknown member to a well known nutswinger. After working with Brian I have been able to work with multiple members of the board. Afterwards I branched out to work with the likes of the President of the United States and well known movie stars.

Thank you Brian, you rock!"

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P.S. do my rep points go up if I fulfill my duties?


I have given you rep points.


To answer your initial questions the dress code is casual, and you do not owe me anything for the first 3 months!!!!! I will meet you at QS&L next Friday to conduct the new hire orientation.


Glad to have you aboard!

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I have given you rep points.


To answer your initial questions the dress code is casual, and you do not owe me anything for the first 3 months!!!!! I will meet you at QS&L next Friday to conduct the new hire orientation.


Glad to have you aboard!


GREAT, I'm so glad the dress code is casual, I would hate to have to wear my nice slacks especially the first time I ride in the V8BEAST, what a shame it would be to mess a nice fresh pair of slacks, Also I will also be at QS&L next friday rain shine blizzard or apocalypse...just look for the vanilla ice car

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If it rains I wont be there. However you can feel free to stay there and tell everyone how great I am.



So rain is the only one of the 4 scenarios keeping you from comming, i like your style ha, and I will stay there and tell everyone how great your car is boss no prob! Maybe i could just get a shirt with your picture on the front and your car on the back and obviously no text needed the pics will speak for themseves duh!

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Nutswingers between the age of 17 - 34.


Job Description:

Must be proficient in the use of Columbus Racing as well as various other forums. Also must be able to agree with me no matter how stupid of a post I make, or how much of an ass I make of myself in public. The job pays in possible street credibility, and knowing my secrets that are kept from the board. In rare instances you may even be able to ride in my car.



Must be able to swing from my nuts at a very high rate of speed. Must have at least 6 months of prior nutswinging experience and the ability to multi-task. You will also be required to speak on my behalf whenever possible.



Must be able to type in english (and in certain forums espanol).


If this looks like the job for you please feel free to contact me at 1-866-NUT-SWANG. You may also apply at nutswingersofamerica.org or email me at Ihaveasmallpenisandcantspeakformyself@imalameass.com


My hands are as soft and comforting as fresh wool from a pampered lamb's ass.

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My hands are as soft and comforting as fresh wool from a pampered lamb's ass.


You are management material!!!





BTW, I put my shoe in an airtight case, so I never lose the smell of your exhaust from the dyno day!:burn:


I laughed so hard at that I fell on the floor!


Got back up, read the post below this one, and fell on the floor again. :lol:

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Sorry Hal. You do not have enough prior experience to apply. Dont take this as a failure.. remember Michael Jordan was once cut from the basketball team. With a little bit of practice you can be anything you want to be!



Ben, you're hired... right after I ban you ;)

That's ok, I understand what's best for your business. I may want to employ one of your trainees once my car is done. I think it would be nice to have a swinger.

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Nut Swinging


Lesson 1: Incorrect nut swinging.





Incorrect AND grounds for termination.



Study it well.

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